Chapter 31

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A week later the family is ready to fly out to Japan all together I'm the last one to get down because I feel so sick and threw up 3 times I sent Finn downstairs because I, didn't want him too see this once I'm done I finish getting dressed and head downstairs where everyone is I see Finn walking towards me and he holds my hand

"Hey bébé how are you feeling?" he says
"I mean i guess better now since I puked all my guts up" I say

"You should've let me stay with you" he says

"No I was fine and I'm good now" I tell him

"Hey guys ready to go?" my dad ask
While the other parents turn around

"Yeah I just had to get last minute things where are the boys" Finn I ask

"I have Owen walking in holding him and I'm pretty sure Wren is with Hero" Lilo says

"Yes he is I'm telling y'all Wren is going to be mini me" hero says carrying him

"My son is not going to be a mini you hero you wish" Finn says

"I mean i think it'd be a good thing  when you miss me you can look at Owen" hero smiles

"I won't be missing you, so no!" Finn says

"Okay so only missing? one where is Tommy? I ask

Then we hear little feet running and know it's, him

"Mama pa.. Per I draw" he says running into my arms
I look at whats in his hand thinking its a picture but then I realized it's my ultrasound

"Is that an ultrasound?" Louisa ask

"Tommy can nana see that? nana ask
He looks smiles when Finn shakes his head no and hands it to her

"Oh my!!!" Nana smiles

"Whats going on?" Dad and Arnold ask

"Okay fine were expecting again! " I say

"What no way I'm so happy babies are so fun" Louisa says

"Aww our kids will be months apart I love that" Lilo says

"Congratulations sis told ya, you'd be joining the prego club soon" Leila says

"Thanks" I say hugging everyone

"So wow from the 3 to 4 are y'all ready for that jump? dad says

"Y'all officially passing me and your dad" mom says

"Uhh try 3 to 6 and yeah I think we're surpassing everyone" Finn says nonchalantly

"Oh my triplets elise honey you can't catch a break you need to tell Finn to get off you!" nana says laughing

"Haha so funny nana why do y'all think it's me who can't stop!"  Finn says sarcastically

"Well this officially the last pregnancy 6 kids is enough" I say

"Congrats sis and bro I'm happy for y'all but I highly doubt you will be done" I say

"Thanks but how about we take off we do have to get to Japan" Finn says

We all pack up and head to the jet this is the first time the babies will be going with us and it already makes me tired but Finn is really the one taking care of them even when they cry he tries to settle them down and even when I offer to help he says no and just tells me to relax

After a few hours the twins are asleep Finn joins with Tommy in watching tv when he sits Tommy cries to sit in my lap Finn tries holding him, and I laugh

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