Chapter 23

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I walk out of the room and go speak to Arnold and my parents
I knock before entering in case they were doing something and then enter

"Hey guys sorry to bother you" I just wanted to talk for a minute

"Its alright honey we were just watching a movie what's up?" Mom ask

"Well I just wanted to let you know I'm leaving in like an hour" I announce

"What? Where are you going?" dad and arnold ask

"Well I was watching the Japanese family event and we'll I decided I'm going so If you could please help Samantha watch the boys Id appreciate it" I say

"How? hunny you know we'd always watch our grand babies but is it really necessary have you spoken to Finn?" Louisa ask

"To me yes it necessary so I'm going and no I thought just showing up would be best" I say confidently

"You're going to kill someone aren't you dad?" ask

"Well when people mess with the wrong one they tend to loose their life so oh well they signed it when they started it" I say

"Well please at least go see Lenard to make sure you're healthy before taking off we can see your mind is set and you are donnna" arnold says

"I will I'm heading to him right now thank you for your help" I say and walk out

I walk my way to Lenard office and knock hopefully he's still up because I need these results now

"Elise is everything alright it's the night and you never come at this time" he says opening the door

"I'm sorry Lenard I wouldn't come at this time if it wasn't important but I was wondering if my health results are ready because I am going to Japan" I say

"Ah I had a feeling this would happen so I rushed to finish them right after giving Finn his results follow me" he says

We walk down to his office and I sit in the medical chair and just wait for him to get the file together

"Well élise you are healthy no issues in your blood test and everything is normal but I had your pee tested and it seems you are pregnant again so I have to do an ultrasound to confirm" he says

"Me pregnant as in babies again are you sure you didn't mix me up with the twins or my pee was contaminated" I say

"Well that's what the ultrasound is for but I'm sure I'm right" he says

I lie down and watch him reel in the machine then put the cold ultrasound gel on my stomach and turn off the lights and he starts moving until he finds out if I'm pregnant

"Ah there it is look élise" Lenard points at the screen

"That is a baby? I barely see anything" I say kinda in denial because it's clear

"That is a baby? I barely see anything" I say kinda in denial because it's clear

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