Chapter 17

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We finish getting dressed and head downstairs where everyone else is waiting while mom and Louisa are greeting guest outside
Finn is getting the boys while I go get Tommy ready to come downstairs. When I get into Tommys room he's sitting on the floor and looks up at me and smiles

"Happy birthdayy baby boy you're 1 today" I say to him

Tommy laughs especially harder when he sees his daddy and brothers come in

"Hey buddy are you happy today" Finn says and kisses Tommy's cheek

"So I see the twins also don't wanna get dressed" I say to Finn laughing

"Yeah no they're not having it today so I brought them in here maybe seeing tommy I can rush clothes on them immediately" Finn says

"Look Owen Wren come play with Tommy"   I say to them

They look over and crawl over to their brother and they start touching the toys

Me and Elise start running and grab each twin an outfit and start changing them while they are distracted they start to cry but then Tommy gives them a toy and they stop and then Tommy just lies down on the floor

Me and Elise start running and grab each twin an outfit and start changing them while they are distracted they start to cry but then Tommy gives them a toy and they stop and then Tommy just lies down on the floor

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Owen starts crying then of course that upset Wren so they both start
"Alright, alright mommy and daddy are done calm down" I say

"Ughh finally let's get them downstairs" Finn says

We take em down and theres already some family members pulling up and walking in

"Ahh you guys look so cute I honestly expected you to come to the party I'm pjs Finn" Hero says

"Bro I wish if there wasn't guest and Elise would let me hell yeah tommy would have a pj's party" Finn says

"You boys never want to get dressed its ridiculous no wonder the twins follow their daddy" I say and roll my eyes

"The girls laugh isn't crazy that the twins might grow up to be just like Finn" Leila says

"Then élise is gonna have alot to put up with but it's alright she loves us isn't that right bébé" I say and wink at her

"Yes Finn even though you are annoying I do" I say

We all look good today for this little party but when don't we huh Lilo says

We all look good today for this little party but when don't we huh Lilo says

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