Chapter 13

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Finn POV

We finally landed of the plane and all can tbink of is getting home to my family I'm literally itching for it I don't even care if they unload my bag I just need to be home already it's been too long

"I can see your very antsy to get home I feel your annoyance building up" hero says

"You probably feel it because you feel the same way" I say to him

"Oh you have no idea I've been like this since last night not even jet lag can bring me down" hero says

"I know that's a fact I feel the same" I say laughing

When they finally finish loading the limo we head in and then make the drive to the parents house because thats where everyone is  which takes about 20 minutes to get through but the driver is able to get the timing down to 13 minutes by speeding a little and I have no complaints with that right now

When we pull up I get out as quickly as possible and I can see the door opening and the first one out is Leila and then I see the parents

"Well that's my cue" hero says and runs to Leila

"Lei baby fuck I missed you" Hero says and lifts her and they start kissing

"Boys welcome home" my dad and Darnell says and gives us a hug  then I see my mom and Milena coming down with the twins

"Finn, Hero you're home" mom says and I walk over to the boys and they look at me and smile and reach

"Da" they start making noises

"Look at you two so big, daddy missed you" and I grab both at the same time and hug them

"Look boys daddy's back" Milena says to the twins and they just stare at me and smile

"Its so good to be home and see everyone" I say

I look around and I'm confused why I still don't see my wife or Tommy

"Don't worry they're right there" Leila points and I look up and see them both heading down

My mom takes the boys and they kinda start crying but she tries to calm them down

and I start making my way over to the both of them

"Bébé, Tommy" I say and I just run and give them a hug

"Dada" Tommy says and leaps into my arms

"Hey Tommy yeah it's daddy I missed you!" And I kiss his head and he laughs and turns to look at his mom

"I can't believe the twins started saying da and Tommy's talking they're getting so big" I say to élise

"Yeah they've changed welcome home" she says as Tommy ask to be put down

"Thank you bébé and I missed you so much" and I grab her and wrap my arms around her and smash our mouths together

She starts to accept and then pulls away

"Mhmm" she says and folds her arms over chest

"Bébé I've apologized please don't be mad at me I've told you everything" I tell her

"Finn seems like you and your friend is going to have a hard two weeks" she says and looks down at my hard on

"Ughh" I groan and she winks and walks away and we all head inside well as soon as I get myself under control

Once inside I sit in the family room all 3 boys crawl over to me and sit around me and I just start playing with them and they laugh when I make funny faces

"So Finn how was the trip? " dad ask

"Well it's a family of secrets Baek clearly knows what he did to his daughter but keeping it a complete secret from everyone else in the family which the grandmother definitely doesn't believe" I say

"So he really got rid of Sayo because she was pregnant with a supposed girl?" élise ask

"Yes and that he never planned on letting her rule Japan so since she couldn't produce a boy for Aki to rule with he wasn't about to have Aki be disappointed constantly like he was with his wife giving him only girls" I say

"He's such a coward can we kill him already" élise ask

"He will have his demise that's for sure but I'm waiting for him to tell me what he wants" I say

"Do you think Aki is just being lead on or he agrees with Baek on everything" élise ask

"Aki only cares about power and being don and he does not care who he steps on and he knows what Baek did to sayo and he doesn't give a rats ass" I say

"He believes women only should have babies and raise them by themselves until the son is of age no to annoy him and he can take over" hero says

"What a piece of crap and the joke is that  they think they'll get my son I will make sure I cut all their heads off before they even think of trying" élise says

"Well I don't think they're smart enough to learn not fuck with our family because they'd be stupid dumb" Hero says

"Clearly they are so dumb sayo was smart enough to get Tommy to his rightful family" Leila says

"Well I don't wanna be rude I've missed all of you but me and Lei need to get reunited and celebrate our expanding family" hero says

"Hell yeah I agree Elise we have a few things to do too don't we bébé" I say to her

"Alright we get it! me and Louisa will be taking our grandkids" mom says

"Can you boys please stop about wanting to fornicate with my daughters I'm feeling sick" Darnell says

And everyone laughs

I then look around the room go around kiss the boys and tell them I love them then to find Elise and she's coming out of the bathroom and I pull her

"Finn what's wrong" she ask

"Bébé I need to get us home let's go" I say

"Mmhmm I don't know why you rushing nothing special wating" she says crossing her arms

"Bébé I love you and know you and I know you are dying to since the moment our eyes locked on each other" I say

And she rolls her eyes smirks and walks away from me

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