Chapter 19

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The moment he saw the scene play in front of him, Yuno had two choices. First, he could continue this fight with Zagred and try to force the devil to leave this world. Two, he would dive after Asta and save him from crashing to the ground.

The choice wasn't hard. Even if he took the time to give the devil a glare, he quickly dove after his boyfriend. The air rushing past him didn't matter. The thought that he was letting the devil escape didn't matter.

What mattered, was that Asta was falling to the ground at high speed. Even from the distance, Yuno noticed that his eyes were still open. But only barely. He could see that the other teen was fighting to stay awake.

The pain and the blood loss made it hard, he could see that. Yuno wasn't even sure if he would reach him in time, before the teen suddenly disappeared.

It had been one of Finral's portals. The older teen had opened one beneath Asta to catch him. But where was the other portal?

"Above you!" Finral yelled.

Yuno stopped in his tracks, still in the air, and looked up. Preparing himself, he caught the bleeding teen the second he came through the portal.

Asta was breathing hard, eyes slipping close every now and then. His head was falling back every other second. It looked like he was passing out every two seconds, only to wake up again.

The pressure he had put on his own wound had faded. Both arms only laying on top of his stomach now. Green eyes starred back at him. Just a moment ago one of those eyes had been red. They would have to talk about this.

There was a lot he had to explain. And a lot that Captain Yami and Charlotte had to say too. The time to keep secrets was over. He would have to know everything now. Otherwise, things could go into a very wrong direction.

"Sorry" Asta mumbled.

"What for?" Yuno asked, slowly returning to the ground where the others were waiting.

"For making you worry" he said.

Yuno sighed, feet touching the ground again. He kneeled, placing the blond teen onto the ground. If possibly, it was best to get a healer to them and not move Asta too much. Less movement was better right now.

"I should be apologizing for lying to you" he said.

Asta shook his head. "No" he chuckled. "Technically you didn't lie to me."

Technically he didn't, that was right. But Yuno still felt that there was a lot he hadn't told his boyfriend. A lot of things he should've said instead of shutting his mouth. It would've prepared Asta better.

It would've helped. Made things less difficult right now. And maybe it would've prevented a lot of things too. But Charlotte and Yami were right. Asta didn't deserve this. He was supposed to live a happy life.

A life where he wouldn't have to worry about these things. About devils in his life and what connection he had to them. He could've lived a normal life as a human. But things never turn out the way people want them to.

"I guess I'm going to have a long talk with Mom and Dad" Asta chuckled, before groaning in pain.

With a grim expression, Yuno moved his boyfriend's hands away from his stomach. The wound was deep. But if it was deep enough to make him die from blood-loss he didn't want to find out.

Finral had already vanished. Searching for a healer.

"Yeah. This is going to be a long day" he sighed.

It took him to long. Removing his robe, Yuno pressed it down on the teens stomach. It earned him another groan of pain. He'd have to wash it later. Not like he cared about that right now. What mattered, was that he slowed the blood flow as best as he could until a healer arrived.

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