Chapter 2

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⬆️ Outfit above ⬆️

Isabelle POV

Monday morning and I'm up at 7am ready to start the job hunt after getting showered and dressed I grab my laptop and head to the newspaper stand to grab some newspapers for job prospects but to my shock on the front of every newspaper there is a picture of me with Mrs Samson from the party on Saturday arguing, 'oh no that can't be good' I take the papers with me and head to the cafe, order some breakfast and cup of tea and read through the articles and they are so bad, the made it seem like Mrs Samson was the victim and I was the one to blame for the whole mess, 'perspective employers are not going to employ me after reading this' "urgh" I groan whilst putting my head in my hands, 'this is ridiculous' as the waitress puts down my breakfast I lift my head "thank you" and start eating as I look for jobs in the local papers and circle all that interest me. After I finished eating I pay my bill and leave a tip and head to the local library, get out my laptop and go through the jobs I was interested in from the paper and start sending cv's and completing job applications then look through job sites and continue applying for jobs, I do this everyday throughout the week and haven't been invited to any interviews or receiving emails declining my cv 'I cant really be declined from this many jobs not with all my experience and qualifications' I decided I will call a few companies and ask why my cv was declined, after calling several companies there was definitely a pattern how many times can you hear "we apologise but YOU are not a fit to our company" 'oh god that article really was worse than I thought' I will call one more company

A/N Phone call
I: Isabelle
R: Receptionist

R: Good Afternoon Smith & Co how may I direct your call

I: "Good Afternoon this is Isabelle Hayes I sent an application for a job on Monday and my CV was declined I was wondering if I could ask the reason why?"

R: "One Moment please.... Oh dear... Ms Hayes off the record I apologise but the CEO was contacted regarding you on Sunday and from what I understand he wasn't the only CEO contacted.... unfortunately she didn't say anything good you have basically been black listed at all major companies within the whole of area"

I: Oh.... okay thank you for telling me I really appreciate it, thank you for your time"

R: Oh Ms Hayes for what it's worth I don't believe what she said is true you seem so polite and professional but employers are worried the clients won't want to work with us if we have you on staff I ak really sorry and I wish you the best of luck"

I: "Thank you Bye"

End of call

"Oh god what has she done? What an I supposed to do now?" I sob into my hands for a while when I calm down I wipe my tears from my cheeks and go and wash my face look in the mirror at my red nose and puffy red eyes "No Isabelle she will not ruin you, you are strong, independent and driven woman, she will not take you down, now pull up your big girl pants and sort things out like you do best!" I get out my phone and text Layla I will enjoy this night,

I: Isabelle
L: Layla

I: Hey L come over so we can get ready for tonight I definitely need it after the week I've had x

L: Hiiiii Belle just finished work be there in an hour, we'll drink your worries away don't stress x

I: Sounds good see you soon Love you x

L: Damn! must have been a bad week see you soon loves ya

I put my phone down and head for a shower ready no doubt Layla will be stealing my bathroom when she gets here, after I'm done I curl my hair and do my make-up, I just finish as I hear my door open, close and footsteps coming to my room, I look into my mirror as Layla stands in the doorway

"What's up Bitch, you look hot!" She squeals "what you wearing tonight" she asks

"I'm not sure, wanna help?" I ask as I head to my closet

"Errrr yeah, I headed straight here so I will be stealing something too but first shower then we can look together, pour us a drink and get some music on whilst I shower I won't be long" god she's bossy but I love her.


End of chapter 2, hope you liked it,

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