Chapter 22

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⬆️ Isabelle's outfit ⬆️

Isabelle's POV

Its been a week since I woke up and today we have a discharge meeting to attend, I really can't wait to go home now, I am put into a wheel chair and Xander pushes me to a conference room with my mom and dad following,

"Good Morning Isabelle, good morning" the doctor addresses me then everyone else "today we are going to discuss whether it is possible for you to return home" he continues

"Over the last week there has been a vast improvement, and there will have to be follow up appointments and rehabilitation to attend to strengthen you muscles because they haven't been used in a while, where will you be staying when you are released with your parents or your husband? He asks,

"She will be staying with me if thats OK with everyone?" Xander pipes in looking round at me, my parents and the doctor, I'm sat there gobsmacked,

"That will be lovely, we know she will be safe with you" my mom says

"Of course if that's what Isabelle wants" my dad says and everyone looks to me "well?" I look to Xander

"I would love to stay with you if your not sick of me yet" everyone laughs

"Never, It would be my pleasure love" he replies making me blush

"Okay then we will sort out some pain medication, arrange rehabilitation appointments and home visits, but everything seems to be in order so you can leave as early as this afternoon after all this has been sorted and the release papers have been signed" the doctor says

"That's great thank you doctor, thank you everyone" I say gratefully

"Your very welcome Isabelle, we will get started on everything now and hopefully you can leave around 4pm ok?" Asks the doctor

"Yes please, I can't wait to go home" I say and see Xander smiling and I realise I called his place home and I blush again

After lunch Xander goes and runs me a bath so I can freshen up and get dressed,

"Come on baby girl let's get you bathed and dressed so we can go home" he picks me up bridal style and carries me to the bathroom, helps me get undressed and placing me in the bath " so I was thinking...."

"Uh oh can't be a good think" I giggle, "sorry, carry on"

"OK.... how would you feel about this living together as a trial run, I mean if it works out we actually move in together permanently" he asks nervously

"Oh... I wasn't expecting that...." I contemplate what he says but he interrupts my thoughts

"You hate the idea..... never mind" he sounds dejected

"Xander..." I cup his face to look at me "waking up a week ago after 3 months has been a really major thing, my whole focus has been on recovery" he looks away from me "but" he looks back at me " I would be lying if I didn't think about it before the accident" I smile

"Really?" He asks hopeful

"Really, I think its a great idea, if we can handle each other at the worst times the best times will be a breeze" I smile

"God I love you" he says then kisses me

"I love you too Xander" I say, I get cleaned up, dried and dressed and the doctor comes round at 3.30pm

"Everything is sorted this pack has all your appointments and prescriptions in, just sign this and your free to go" the doctor says

I sign the paperwork "I really want to thank you and the rest of the amazing staff here for saving my life twice and all the help and support you have given me and my family over my stay here" I shake his hand

"It's been our pleasure Isabelle, now head home with your husband, I'm sure he can't wait to get his wife home finally" he laughs

"OK thank you" the doctor leaves and we head out of the hospital with me in a wheelchair and Xander pushing me, when we get outside I turn to everyone "ok can someone explain the whole husband wife thing to me please" I look round curious and everyone starts laughing

"OK... ok" my dad calms down "when you were in the accident we couldn't get back for about 5 hours with flights and stuff so when Xander was already on his way to the hospital with Layla, I told him to say he was your husband or they wouldn't have gave anyone any information until we arrived" he laughs

"I'm surprised it's took you this long to ask" my mom laughs

"I didn't want to say anything in the hospital in case anyone heard, I thought there must have been a reason" I defend

"Must admit I've enjoyed pretending to be you husband, kept the flirty nurses away" Xander winks

"Well sweetheart we're going to head home, take care of yourself we will come visit soon if that's OK with you Xander" my dad asks

"You're both more than welcome anytime, it has been great meeting you both finally instead of video chats and hopefully you can have another vacation soon" smiles Xander

"We're going to stick around for a while until Belle is back on her feet properly in case we are needed when you have work or anything" mom strokes my hair as she speaks to Xander and I smile

"That would be great mom" and they head to their car and we go to Xander's Range Rover

When we get to the car he opens the door, picks me up and places me inside the car, "I can't wait to be able to walk again without falling over, I feel clumsy and helpless" I say

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When we get to the car he opens the door, picks me up and places me inside the car, "I can't wait to be able to walk again without falling over, I feel clumsy and helpless" I say

"I happen to love carrying you round so don't get too used to walking again will you?" Xander laughs and I giggle, he walks back to take the wheel chair whilst I put my seat belt on, after I am settle I start feeling very nervous with being in a car again, "Hey baby girl you OK? You've gone pale" Xander asks worried

"First time in a car since the accident, I'll be fine" I tell him

"Hey look at me" he turns me and himself to face each other "you are fine love, I am here, breathe with me breathe in" we both take deep breaths in "breathe out" we both breathe out and repeat it a couple of times

"We will be fine, I'll stick to the main roads I promise, since the accident I have been more vigilant rather than driving becoming a routine thing, it really scared me nearly losing you, every driver is a potential threat, I never looked at it like that before, but now....." he releases a shaky breath "now I see a car as a weapon with the potential to injure or even kill" he says

"Things will get back to normal Xander, I will not give up and I will not let one accident control me, can we go home now?" I ask

Xander smiles then kisses me "you called it home" I roll my eyes and giggle at his excitement


End of Chapter 22

Bit of a filler chapter so not as long hope you liked it though

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