Chapter 21

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⬆️ Hospital moment ⬆️

Xander's POV

3 months, it been 3 months since Isabelle's car accident, her arm and leg are healed so she had her casts taken off and the doctors are pleased with her progress, they finally want to take her off the medically induced coma, they have finished doing their final tests and we're just waiting on the results,

The police investigated and found out it wasn't Isabelle on the phone but the other man and he wasn't paying attention, so he was arrested for careless and inconsiderate driving and perverting the course of justice,  he got a 36 month prison sentence a £2,500 fine and a 18 month driving ban, not the outcome we wanted but was given the highest punishment for his crimes,

I have been here everyday most of the day I bring my laptop here and do my work here, I tell her about any meetings I have had to leave for, and what's happening at work, seeing her and talking to her has kept me sane, I just can't wait to see her open her beautiful eyes or hear her voice,

I found out her last word before she went unconscious was my name, that broke my heart, she wanted me and I wasn't there, the guilt I have felt has been eating me alive, everyone has said I'm not to blame but I pushed her to take those classes or she would have still been at the office with me not on that road scared and alone,

There was a knock on the door and I look away from my laptop towards the door to see the doctor "Good Afternoon Xander" everyone knows me by my first name here now from all the different people I have seen and met since she has been here,

"Good Afternoon, have the results come in?" I ask shutting my laptop

"Yes they have, you will be pleased to know everything has came back normal and we will be taking her off the induced coma now" he says with a smile

"Really? That's amazing, what is the process? How long until she wakes up?" I ask excitedly

He laughs at my enthusiasm "we will reduce the dosage that was used to put her into the coma and monitor her brain activity and her condition and hopefully she should wake up within the next 24 hours" he states as he does something with the IV bag,

"That's great news doctor, thank you" I shake his hand and he leaves the room "you hear that baby girl, you will be waking up soon, I really have missed you so much" I kiss her hand

"You want to hear something funny, I had to tell these doctors I was your husband so I could see you and it was your dad's idea" I chuckle "but being your pretend husband these last 3 months has really made me think about what our future holds" I ponder

"Would you want to marry me? Would you want children? These are some topics we never got to discuss before your accident" I stand there thinking

"I best call your parents to let them know they are taking you out of the coma, I will be back soon, I love you" and kiss her head and go out of the hospital and call her parents, after the call I head back into her room, and notice her bandage has now been removed and she just looks like she is sleeping, I smile at my beautiful wife

"I'm back baby girl, your parents will be heading here after work, they wanted to come now but I said there was no need I am here and if you decide to wake up before they get here I will call them" I tell her

Over the next few hours I keep talking to her, my work abandoned so I don't miss her wake up, the drugs they used have now been completely stopped so it's a waiting game now for when she wakes up,

Her parents turned up around 9pm so I decided to go and have a shower and shave in her private bathroom, I want to look good when she wakes up, for the next 4 hours I spoke with her parents then they fell to sleep, I feel tired myself but I don't want to fall to sleep and she wake up alone,

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