Chapter 23

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⬆️ Xander's Home Office ⬆️

Isabelle's POV

Xander has been great, his been helping me as much as he can, I have been going to physical therapy 5 days a week and whilst Xander goes into the office his mainly been working from home over the last 3 weeks,

"Xander I appreciate you being home to help me, I really do, but you really do need to go back to the office and work there only going there for meetings and to get files isn't working for you, your so tired from going backwards and forwards so many times a day and taking me to therapy, then working into the night to catch up, it's not good for you" I say

"I need to do this, I need to take care of you" he sighs tiredly, he is just so tired, I slowly walk over to him and sit on his lap "Isabelle I don't have time for this I need to get this done" he snaps

"Xander" I grab his face "look at me for a minute please" he looks at me and I rub his cheeks with my thumbs "you have been fantastic looking after me these last 4 months, you are the most amazing man in the world and I love you so much" I say

"And I love you Isabelle" he leans into my touch and closes his eyes

"I know you do, but this isn't healthy Xander, I can do more now, I can walk around and do things for myself, you need to be at the office to do this job" I insist

"But what if you have a fall and hurt yourself and I'm not there to help you?" He asks defeated

"I can call you, you have to stop with the guilt of not preventing the accident, there was nothing you could have done to stop that happening, you didn't know, neither of us did" I comfort him

"I shouldn't have suggested the classes then you still would have been at the office with me" he sighs

"Suggesting those classes was the best thing for me, you are always doing what is best for me Xander, do you think me not bettering myself is what's best for me?" I ask

"No! I want you to be the best you can be" he reassures

"Exactly Xander, how about we compromise" I run my hand down his chest then back up and round his neck

"What do you have in mind?" He asks

"I need to do something, how about I work" I start

"Absolutely not your not going to the office yet your not ready" he interrupts

"Ah ah ah let me finish, how about I work from home, I can use this office, have IM open all day whilst your at the office, so we are in constant contact, I can help you with the work to take some of the workload off you, meaning you can finish earlier and come home to me" I suggest

He sits there contemplating "Ok, but IM stays open, video calls at lunch, your involved in all video conferences, if it gets to much you stop working and if it doesn't work we go back to my way" he negotiates

"Deal!" I shout and he smiles "that's the first smile I've seen in over a week" I pout

"Is it really?" I nod "I'm sorry baby girl, I have been a real grump recently haven't I?" I nod again

"But I still love you grump and all" I giggle and peck his lips "how about I get my laptop and we get started on this work now? I suggest

"That would be great baby, I didn't realise how much you did until you weren't helping me, Hazel has been trying but she isn't as involved in the business as you are so struggles with alot of the work" he says

I go and get my laptop and come back and his moved the arm chair to his desk opposite his chair, I set up and log in, "oh god this is a mess, give me 10 minutes to sort all this out then we can get started" I say starting on sorting out the files and calendars

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