Chapter 8

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⬆️ Isabelle's Kitchen ⬆️

Xander's POV

I wake up in bed cuddled up to the most beautiful, amazing woman I have ever met and have the biggest smile on my face, last night was the best night of my life, over the last week since I met this woman at that event I haven't been able to get her out of my mind,

she is so polite, respectful, shy but feisty when needs to be, not getting her number that night made me feel like an idiot everytime I thought of her thinking I missed my chance and fate was on my side for once and I see her again at a place I had no intentions of going to that night but destiny intervened and we met again,

She was a virgin and she gave herself to me of all people on the planet she chose me to share it with and no doubt she had many chance over the years to give it to someone else but she didn't, I smiled again at that thought

I slipped out of the bed careful not to wake her as I put on my trouser but didn't bother with my shirt and headed to the kitchen remembering where she pointed out last night looking round at all is glass doors of the cupboards I could see where everything was kept, find the coffee machine, coffee and filters this is a very organised kitchen put on a pot of coffee then put the kettle on,

I get some mugs out the cupboard put a teabag in one cup and sugar in both, when the kettle boils I pour in the water and leave it to brew as she likes it strong, when the coffee finishes I add it to my cup and go to get the milk out of the fridge as I turn around I come face to face with Layla and Greyson with massive smiles on their faces

"Morning" I say and turn around continue making the drinks

"Good Morning mate" Greyson says slaps me on the back and grabs 2 mug I sorted out and pours Layla and himself a coffee I see the smile on his face through the corner of my eye and I bet it mates my own

"Good morning Xander, you look very comfortable in Belle's kitchen any problem finding it or did you get the grand tour of the place first?" she giggles

"Oh I can guarantee he asked her where the kitchen is and how she takes her drink before he took her to bed last night" Greyson chuckled, I frowned at that, am I that predictable "Xander here is a very good host, up at the crack of dawn unless his had a busy night" he winks at me "always a pot of coffee waiting when you get up" I glare at Greyson his making me sound like a manwhore

"Oh entertain a lot do you Xander" Layla looks at me in disgust, obviously concerned by that remark and her friend

Greyson soon clicks on what's happening from what he said "shit that sounded bad"

"You think" I glare at him

"No, No you got it wrong babe, his a workaholic, sensible, usually the designated driver so we usually all crash at his place if we go out and he looks after out hangovers" he says to her as you see her relax at his words "sorry man" he directs at me

"How is it you can read laws, contracts and legislations until they come out your ears but can't give a compliment without messing up?" I chuckle as his cheeks tint pink

"Aww don't embarrass him, he meant well, his heart in the right place" she says as she puts her hand over his heart and kisses his cheek he looks down at her and smile as he kisses her lips I turn around to give them some privacy

"Uh Layla" she hums at me "erm what does Belle like for breakfast" I blush I've never done breakfast in bed for a woman before

"Erm usually she has just her cup of tea until she gets hungry but that's usually some toast or fruit, with yoghurt and granola, I bet she will wake up absolutely ravenous this morning though" she winks at me

"Thanks" I head to the fridge pull out fruit and start preparing a fruit salad and put some bread in the toaster put the fruit into 2 bowls get the yoghurt out and the granola and add it to the bowls butter the toast and put everything on a tray

"What? no breakfast for us" Greyson asks

"Make your own, I've got a lady to look after, you take care of your own" I remark and head back upstairs, open the bedroom door and put the tray on her bedside table, sit on the edge of the bed and move the hair off Belle's face and kiss her cheek a few times until her eyes flutter open and she stretches and winces a little then rolls over onto her back "good morning beautiful, how you feeling this morning?"

"Good morning, a little sore but was so worth it, thank you" she says as she smiles and I lean forward and place my lips on hers kissing her

"I made you a cup of tea and some breakfast, I hope that's OK?" I say as I glance at the tray and she looks over to it with a big smile in her face and sits up with her back to the headboard, so I pick the tray up and put it over her lap,

"That's very sweet of you thank you" she says as she pick up her cup if tea and starts drinking it "mmm perfect you can come every morning if I get breakfast in bed everyday" she giggles and I chuckle

"I wouldn't mind that honestly" I say and she blushes "so what are you doing for the rest of the week?" I change the subject saves embarrassing each other more, think I'm coming on a little strong

"Not really sure, more job searching, going to the gym, might go and see my family for a couple of days as haven't been there in a while because of my last job, how about you?" She continue to drink her tea,

"I have a few more meeting this week with Greyson and some investors and hopefully going on a date with you sometime this week?" Her mouth drops open

"Really?" I nod "you want to go on a date with me?" I nod again "I thought this was a one night thing" I frown at that

"Is that what you want?" I ask hurt

"No! No, definitely not, I just thought..... nevermind, I would love to go on a date with you Xander" she smiles at me and I smile back

"Belle, ever since I met you last week I have not been able to get you off my mind, I know you haven't had a one night stand before but when it's a one night stand the other person isn't usually there in the morning or ghost you after they leave, but I don't want to leave just yet, I want to spend the day with you, I want to get to know you, I want to date you, I want to see where this goes between us is that something you would want too?" She nods vigorously with a smile on her face "OK how's Tuesday? We can go out to dinner and maybe a movie, I don't date so going for the typical date ideas or we can do something different" I ramble

"No! dinner and a movie sounds perfect, just tell me what to wear and a time and I will be there" she laughs at her own enthusiasm and I chuckle too

"Great, well if were going to a movie don't want to dress to fancy so maybe something a little more casual for dinner" I suggest

"I know this really cute 50s diner, we could maybe dress up as 50s character and go to a drive in cinema I think they are playing grease this week" she suggests

"Sounds fun, it's a date" I smile as she blushes and I lean forward and kiss her, "so wanna eat your breakfast yet or would you like another cup of tea?"

"Another cup of tea please and I will just clean myself up and how about we have breakfast on the balcony it doesn't seem that cold out this morning" she suggest I look to her doors leading to the balcony and smile

"Coming right up" I head back to the kitchen and make us both some fresh drinks, there is no sign of Layla or Greyson maybe they are back in the room or gone out somewhere, I make he drinks and head straight to the open door of the balcony and notice she had put the heater on "bit colder than you thought?" She nods as she sits and starts eating her breakfast and I join her placing her cup of tea in front of her, this has been by far the best weekend I have had in a very long time I can't wait to spend more time getting to know her


End if chapter 8

I hope you liked it, an but more insight into who Xander is a bit and how his mind is working,

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