Chapter 3

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⬆️ Outfits above ⬆️

Isabelle POV

After we finished getting ready it was 9.30pm so we called an Uber and headed to the club

"So..... spill, what's made your week so bad, that you want to dress badass and get drunk that's not like you" Layla asked after we got in the Uber

"Well... remember what I told you about the party last week?" She hummed her recognition "well it ended in the papers on Monday morning making out like she was the victim and I was the one causing the scene anyway I've been applying for jobs all week and heard absolutely nothing from most of them then ones that have replied all said 'Application denied' so I decided to call round this morning to find out what's going on and finally got some answers" I continued to tell her all about what the receptionist told me, her mouth hung open

"What a Bitch and not in the besties biatch type of way either, I can't believe she did that, well actually I can, always said she was a bitch, so what you going to do? You know the new CEO at work is after a new PA if your interested, I haven't even met him yet but his due to start in 2 weeks" she mentioned

"Really? How come you didn't mention this last week?" I asked

"Hun I work at least 40 mins away from your place that's without traffic, I thought you might want something a little closer to home but now after what that bitch has done I thought I'd mention it, I wasn't keeping it a secret from you I swear" she looked apologetic

"Yh your right I would have preferred something closer to home but needs must now I guess, I used to start work at 7am for Mrs Samson so I would just have to leave home then instead to get there for 8am"

"8am? You know work doesn't start until 9am right?" she chuckled

"I like to be punctual and efficient" I shrugged

"Okay okay, fair enough let's forget about that bitch and enjoy this night, we'll print off a CV tomorrow and I can take it into work on Monday and slip it in with the other applicants like it was there the whole time deal? She holds her hand out

"Deal" I shake her hand "thanks L you always have my back" I hug her

After we get out if the Uber we start heading towards the back of the line when someone shouts out names as we turn around we notice the bouncer is a boy we went to school with

"Hey Oscar, long time, how are you?" we ask whilst giving him a hug,

"Yh I've been good, you 2 look great not changed much since school" he says as he watches Layla through the corner of his eye 'smoothe Oscar' I giggle

"Aww thanks hun, you look as hot as ever" said Layla as we watch Oscar blush "tell you what give me your number and I'll call you" so he gives her his number and she prank calls him to exchange numbers and they wink at each other as he let's us straight in "thank god we didn't have to wait it's getting cold out, let's get a drink" she grabs me arm and pulls me to the bar

"What can I get you?" The bartender asks

"2 double Jack and cokes" I look at Layla and she nods her approval "and 4 shots of Jager please"

"Coming right up" he leaves and comes back with our drinks pretty quick, I go to hand over my card to pay for the drinks but get stopped by a hand on my waist, hot breathe on my neck with a hint of whiskey on his breathe and a body pressed against my back, having to resist the moan wanting to escape

"Put them on my tab Nick, and get me 2 more of the shots and my usual" I frown at the familiar sound of that voice, I turn and am absolutely gob smacked "Hello Belle it's an absolute pleasure to see you again" I keep opening and closing my mouth completely lost for words "You look amazing" he says as he looks me up and down with clear lust in his eyes,

I shake my head to get my thoughts together "M..Mr King what a surprise, thank you for the compliment and the drinks" I stutter

"Please call me Xander, its the least I can do I did say rain check on those drinks, but like a fool I didn't get your number to arrange it" he says as he steps closer

"Hi I'm Layla, thanks for the drinks we appreciate it, don't we Belle" she interjects as she elbows me and wiggles her eyebrows at me

"Yh we do it's very kind of you Xander" I swear I saw him shiver when I said his name 'nah can't be' "shall we drink the shots" I ask them both "then we can go and find a table" I direct at Layla

"No problem baby girl, how about you both join me at my table? There doesn't look to be any free tables available" he suggests as he looks around the club " I would love to get to know you better baby girl" He says as he lifts his shot to his lips not taking his eyes off me and throws the shot back

"Sounds like a good idea, don't you think think Belle" I send her a glare and she just gives me a devious smile 'I know your plan Layla, your are anything but subtle' I turn back to Xander and smile and nod my head and he returns the smile as he places his hand on my lower back between my top and skirt which sends a shiver straight to my core as he direct us to his table 'how can a touch do that??' I'm definitely confused.


Chapter 3 done

Bit longer this time, hoping to make them longer still as the book progresses, hope you like the story so far, won't be long until we get to the fun stuff please comment and vote my lovely readers

Next chapter coming soon

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