The new sacrifical bride

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Knowing that I was sleeping peacefully in my room I heard strange noises,I opened my eyes feeling someone's weight on my bed.
When I opened my eyes fully I saw strange ceiling not mine at all.The sleepiness ran away from my eyes as I saw the ceiling and looked around me just to hear someone chuckling,"Ne~ne bitch-chan you finally woke up,it took you long enough",A voice whispered in my ear so I looked next to me.

I saw a reddish haired man with green eyes that captured my black eyes.He smirked widely seeing that I stared at him for awhile and chuckled again,"Bitch-chan it is rude to stare at people like this",he said and blew in my face so I had to wake up from the daze I was in,"uh,I didn't mean to but who are you? and why am I here?",I asked raising my eyebrows at him and then another man appeared looking like a butler.

"You are simply here as a sacrifical bride",He answered as he adjusted his glasses
"What? A sacrifical bride? What the hell are you talking about?"
"You'll know later,it would be so troublesome to just explain it for you",and with that he left me and the other guy alone.Sacrifical bride? What is that?.I turned my head around to look at the man again to ask him to explain what just happened and how the other man with glasses came but he wasn't there too.He is gone....I should go see where am I.

I just yawned and got up of the bed then went to see,where I am...just when I opened the door and stepped to steps out I saw a girl with pink eyes staring at me,"Ah,so you are the new sacrifical bride,right?",she asked.I nodded."So what is your name?",she asked again.
"Mirna and yours?"
"Yui the sacrifical bride before you"
She seems annoying,"really? okay,good",I said ruffling my hair then walked away.

While I was walking suddenly a cold hand tapped my warm shoulder.I shivered and quickly looked at the one who tapped my shoulder just to see a boy hugging a teddy bear and looked at me creepily with his purple eyes,"Y-yes? Can I help you?",I asked him as I stared back at his eyes.
"I am thirsty"
"Then go drink some water,I am new here and I don't know anything here"
Suddenly he leaned in to my neck and licked it as he let go off of his teddy and held both of my shoulders firmly then dug his fangs in my flesh.

He didn't leave for me the time to react nor understand what is going on as I just felt sharp pain spreading through my neck.....from the place he bit me in,then I heard a familiar chuckle,"Kanato,this isn't fair,I saw bitch-chan the first one but didn't suck from her so why did you suck from her?,I should be the first",he said looking at me as a grin appeared on his face to show his fangs.
"I told you to treat our guest respectfully and not to bite her starting today,you should've let her rest for today",the man with glasses said and the boy named Kanato pulled away then took his teddy,"sorry",he apologized.

"What the hell is wrong? You are annoying me! zip it up so I can fucking sleep!",Another man appeared out of nowhere and shouted but then he recognized me and frowned and like this someone spoke as he was lying on the couch,"Reji,won't you shut the hell up because I want to sleep",As he finished another reddish haired guy entered,"Ore-sama is hungr-....oh another Chichinanshi came here,huh? At least,she isn't flat chested like pancake",he said smirking. I think this pancake is Yui.I just kept silent as every eye fell on me and then Reji started introducing me to the other.Laito,Ayato,Kanato,Subaru,Shu and Yui.

I didn't accept my cruel fate at all and just knowing that they are vampires made me dizzy enough to faint but my legs held me for longer time so I excused myself and Reji allowed me to go so I went to the room known now by 'My Room' and threw myself on the bed then drifted off to sleep as I couldn't take everything just tonight.

//So this is the first chapter and I hope that you enjoy it ^^

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