The cooking contest:Part 2

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So I entered the kitchen feeling kind of awkward to see Laito standing there , practicing but the smell was awful that I came to the kitchen , "Laito....what are you doing?" , I asked picking some sticks.
"What Ayato wants to eat. He'll be judging so I'll make his favourite food" , he replied without looking at me.
"But , don't you think that shouldn't be looking like that?"
"Yeah , don't worry . I'll add your blood later"
"No I don't mean this , I mean tha-" , before I can even continue Ayato entered the kitchen , a disgusted look on his face , "What the heck is this smell?" , he asked.
"Well , this smell should belong to ah....takayoki"
"No way! Laito...are you trying to make Ore-sama hate the takayoki!"
"Of course not , you'll just love it even more"

I sighed then went out of the kitchen to my room so that I could relax alittle as I felt tired and bored. I picked my phone then started texting my friends until someone texted me.

Stranger: Hey there M~neko-chan.
Me:Excuse me but do you know me?
Stranger:Whaat?? Didn't you save my number?
Me:Are you a one of my classmates?
Stranger:Yeah something like that and look at my profile picture and you'll know me. I am super popular.
I looked at his profile.He was a blond haired , hot guy with red-blue eyes and looked pretty popular but I didn't recognize him at all so I shrugged and completed texting him.

Me:Geez , just tell me who the hell are you Mister Stranger.
Stranger: Eh? I am Kou...mou m~neko-chan did you forget me?
Me: Oh Kou , I didn't forget you xD but I was joking nothing more.
Kou: Liar~ you totally forgot me. You'll see later.
Me: Well , okay if you can get your revenge anyways how did you get my number?
Kou: I get what I want to get.
Me: Fine , whatever.

Suddenly I got up feeling uncomfortable , "there is a fish in this house" , I whispered as I tossed my phone on the bed and ran out to see where is that fish as I hate eating fish.When I entered the kitchen I saw Ayato with a fish in his hand and he was going to cook it , "Ayato!? A fish? Are you going to cook a fish? What the hell is wrong with you?",I asked.
"Well I'll make Laito eat this"
"Wait! Are you going to cook it , right now?"
"What? but it isn't even cleaned yet!?"
"Cleaned? Should we clean the fish before eating it"
"Yeah of course , you know remove the guts and clean it"
"Are you even listening? You aren't even listening you are already cooking it"
"And why should I hear a brat?"
"Whatever", I said finally then went out.

Soon I came back running to the kitchen and closed the oven , "Ayato , you burnt it " , I said sighing , " just get out of the kitchen , it isn't your place " .
"But I am in this helly contest"
"What? How? When? Why?"
"What the hell? I won't answer all of these questions , I just entered because your blood fits Ore-sama perfectly"
"Are there anyone this contest?"
"No , just me , Laito and Reji..."

"You mean just me and burnt your food so you're out , tomorrow the challenge will be between me and Laito",Reji interrupted as he was passing with a potion in his hand and in the other one , a book.

Ayato's usual smirk disappeared and he looked gloomy then went to the door but stood beside its frame , "I'll come back to you , it isn't like a small contest that will prevent me from sucking you dry",he said then looked at me...with his smirk that I thought it vanished for a second....this is not good. I shook my head then walked to my room and completed texting Kou.

~to be continued~

What would happen if I was sent as a sacrifical bride to the sakamakis too?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora