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Gulzaar's  POV.

'Asmano pe jo khuda hai, usse meri yahi dua hai.
Chand yeh har roz main dekhu tere sath mein.
Aankh uthi mohabbat ne angdayi li
Dil ka sauda hua chandani raat mein.
Oh teri nazron ne kuch aisa jadoo kiya
Lut gaye hum toh pehli mulaqat mein.'

"Oh aankh uthi....", I keep humming the song along the singer. I frown as I see the array of cars standing in the middle of the road. There is no signal ahead then why are all of them standing? Damn, I am stuck now. I have to reach office in thirty minutes, I have a meeting with the foreign delegates. Darn it! I stop the radio.

I can hear the faint buzzing sound of police Jeeps in the distance. I put the neutral gear on and pull down the hand break, coming out of the car. A few other men have also come out of their vehicles trying to find out what the problem is. I can see a barricade being formed a few meters ahead, police officers swarming the region with their wireless talkies in hand.

Another police jeep arrives and the door opens revealing IPS officer Ahad Rizwaan Mir in flesh. He is usually not on the road or on patrolling duty, which means this is something big. He looks like a Greek God in his police uniform fitting his form perfectly. His talkie in one hand and phone in the other against his ear.

His body language is stiff, he is usually like that on duty with a complete poker face

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His body language is stiff, he is usually like that on duty with a complete poker face. He states something to a group of officers and they nod getting into action  immediately. They form a straight line on either sides of the barricade, taking positions to stop any passerby, if he tries crossing this huge force that is.

Ahad holds the mic in his hand, his husky voice echoing the next moment
"Good Morning! I apologize for the inconvenience, Home Minister Abbas Ali's daughter Ms.Aliza Ali has just arrived at the airport and needs to be escorted to her residence without a hassle. Her followers will accompany her on the rally so the M.G.Road has been blocked for another half hour at least. Hope you guys cooperate."

Fuck! Why do I have to be stuck here and lose a potential client for some bitch that isn't even important. I walk ahead, crossing the bikers and parked cars to reach the barricade. Once I am close enough, I speak clearly but loudly, "We don't have enough time to stand here and wait for your highness to arrive. Remove the barricade and let us pass, she is a minister's daughter. Not the minister. Treat her like a normal citizen. I am sure a lot of these people struck here have better things to do." The officer closest to me turns around and with a stern expression gestures a few constables to handle the matter.

What the hell? Who do they think they are? Treating us like garbage. The lady constables try persuading me to go back but I stand my ground. By now a few more women in business clothes like me have come to stand beside demanding the same thing. This is insane! Just because we are not the minister's daughter we have to stand here.

The arguments only intensity and voices have gone loud and before it turns violent, we hear Ahad speaking, "Listen here miss. I understand all of your concerns about your day being slightly held back but this is protocol. We are government servants, we have to follow the instructions. If you could all please be patient for a while and hold on, I will have the roads cleared as soon as I can." Ahad's polite voice is enough for the remaining to women to nod in a daze. They scurry back to their vehicles quickly. Haven't they seen a handsome guy before? Pathetic.

"What the hell is your problem Gulzaar! Can't you just rest for a day without creating ruckus. I already have a lot on my plate. Don't create more problems for me."

"My name is Zaar and I am creating no problem. I have the right to speak my mind. India is a free nation. What sort of an officer are you if you can't even handle the people's pressure?"

I cringe inwardly at my own words. That was a low blow Zaar. He is a proud officer. As expected, his eyes darkened. His fists clench as if he is physically controlling himself from blowing out.

Another officer interrupts our glaring competition whispering something in his ears. Ahad straightens himself and nods. He turns to me again, "Ms.Durrani, this is going to take time. If you are getting really late, then I will have my men drop you at your office in the police jeep. Because only police jeeps can be running along the road right now. Although it is unprofessional, I can manage that for you", he says in a completely detached tone. As if I am just a bystander. As if he doesn't know me. For some reason it pricks my heart. I just shake it off and focus on answering him.

"No thanks! I don't need special privileges like the Minister's daughter. I can wait here like the normal people." I answer arrogantly and turn around to go back towards my car.

He is completely occupied with giving commands to the other officers, giving  updates back at the control room through his walkie and answering phone calls. He is handling it all like a pro. Not once did he lose his temper through out the process. He was also answering people's queries. He looks so handsome and full of passion for his work. I swear watching him on his duty is hot, he makes mundane things like talking on walkie look so hot.

Shake it off, Zaar! This is Ahad we are talking about. The same Ahad that insulted you yesterday, the same Ahad Rizwaan Mir who would rather have you dead than standing before him.

I cuss at myself a few more times and begin settling in my seat when I see an open jeep coming towards us. A woman standing in the middle of jeep waving at the hooting people can be seen. She has a few flower garlands in her neck, typical politician thing you know.

I roll my eyes, she looks like a buffalo coming out of dirty waters. The jeep stops near the barricade and she climbs down slowly as if she is a porcelain doll and will break if she touches something. How fake!

Why did they stop here? Ahad goes towards her and shakes hand with a respectful nod. She grins at him widely, holding his hand longer than a professional handshake. This bitch! What is her problem?

Ahad escorts her towards the left side of road, that's when I notice a stage has been set up in the open area there. A few chairs are placed on the ground for people to listen. Even after reaching near the stage, she stopped there and is talking something with Haadi. What is she saying to my Haadi.

Shit! Shit! What is even wrong with you Zaar. He is Ahad. No more my sweet Haadi. The friend that protected me all the time. He is not my Haadi at all whose eyes shone with mirth at the sight of me. A lone tear falls down my face and I wipe it quickly.

I look up to see she has settled in her chair and Ahad is back on the roads to clear everything. He didn't glance at me even once for the entire hour that I was standing here. The barricades are removed sometime later, and after a few cars have moved I reverse my vehicle to go back home.

The meeting must already be over in my absence and my mood has already been destroyed. I look in my rear view mirror, only to see Ahad's eyes trained on me. Even from miles away, I can see the conflict clear in his charcoal black orbs.

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