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" Gul, you will catch a cold. Please eat something else. I also can't go to school if you have to be holed up at home."

"Haadi! Please, please let my just take a scoop. You know I love the chocolate flavor right? Pretty Please. I promise I won't eat it again. Just this once. Please Haadi"

He sighs, knowing he could never say no to her. He orders one chocolate flavor and settles down beside her. His hands going around her shoulders protectively looking around if someone is eyeing her.
He would gouge his eyes out for looking at his Gul.

They continue chatting as they ate ice cream from the same tub, that was their thing. Thirteen year old Zaar kept chirping happily about the day at school and how she won the calligraphy competition. She would share every little detail about her day with Haadi. There was next to nothing he didn't know about her.

The admiration in the fifteen year old boy for her was visible even from miles. He looked up at her as if she was the moon of his sky, as if he was privileged to be in her company. So much adoration in his gestures towards her, it was hard to establish the reason behind it.

They walk towards the  'Scary House' of  the mall, even though Zaar is a scaredy cat, she wouldn't accept it and is hell bent on proving that to her friend by doing this stunt. Ahad told her she doesn't have to, he would take care of her friend. But she was adamant, typical Zaar you know.

So they both walk in together under the dark, some red light was streaming from a corner, to help them navigate. She is completely sticking to Ahad's side. They continue taking steady steps, there was not much space to walk, a narrow alley surrounded by walls on either side, they reach a turn and then suddenly a cloth is dropped on Zaar. She screams in horror, pushing herself more into Ahad's chest. He wraps her into his protective embrace immediately  removing the cloth and throwing it away. "Gul, just relax okay? I am here. Now comeon, we have to walk ahead. You can't keep standing here."

She nods meekly and Ahad begins striding ahead  with her walking backwards as her front was pressed on his, her head embedded deep in the crest of his neck. She had her arms wrapped tightly around him. They walk some more, then a screeching sound comes from their left, scaring the hell out of both. Zaar jumps again in fright, her hands tightening more. Ahad pats her head soothingly trying to calm her.

They continue walking like that, when a skeleton pops out of nowhere and Ahad quickly dodges it before his Gul sees it. They finally come out of it sometime later. Gul sighs in relief and Ahad in disappointment at the lack of contact.

His Gul Where stories live. Discover now