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Gulzaar's  POV,  Durrani  Construction  Ltd.

"The Singapore based clients want their hotle expansion in the north Ma'am. Though we have contacts with the laborers of the region, their timings and paychecks differ slightly from here. Izaan sir has previously worked with them. It would be great if could take his input on this." My secretary Isha says.

"Alright Ms.Gupta. I will speak to him and get back to you on this. Apart from that, I want everything ready for the construction to begin soon. Make sure the contracts are rechecked before being sent."

"That will be taken care of Ma'am. Anything else I can do for you?"

"That's all. Let's wrap up for today."

Just then my phone rings, "Salam! Mama, I am still at the office" I say before she even asks me my whereabouts. I gesture Isha to leave.

"Wassalam. Beta, you are late. I told you no work after 5. It's 7 already."

"Yes boss. Your orders will be implemented soon"

"Zaar. I am serious here. Come home fast."

"Right there Mama."

I rush out of the office fast. If I don't reach in the next half an hour, then even Dadda can't handle the matter. And trust me, there is hardly anything that Dadda can't handle.

Durrani Mansion.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen. How are you doing?" I call out loudly to gather attention.

"Walaikumassalam beta!" Mama's sarcastic response. I groan very unladylike. Mama does that to me.

"Come here bacha. My baby looks so worn out."

"I work hard at the office Dadda. Ofcourse I am tired. But your smile just brightened up my day" I hug Dadda, his protective embrace is something I can never live without.

Dadda pats my head lovingly, he seldom does that.

"Dadda, the Singapore clients that I told you about want the expansion in North region. I need your help with the worker's details from there."

"Oh yes. Their timing diff-..."

"Stop it both of you. No work discussion on my dining table. Eat now" Mama says sternly. I look at Dadda pleadingly for him to continue. He shrugs, "She is the boss at home bacha. Her wish is my command."

He gazes lovingly at Mama. They are so in love. Will I ever get someone that loves me like Dadda loves Mama?

"Where is Arif?"
"He had football practice at the club today. He told me he is going out with friends after that."

" He loves to party you know. He doesn't look like a 20 year old Engineering student to me." I say like every other annoying sister.

"My boy is the smartest in his batch. He is a carefree kid" Mom says.

"You tell me, what's the plan next?"

"There is no plan Mama. I am the COO of Durrani Constructions. Work is life. And family is love. What else do I need?"

"A husband would be a nice addition, no?"

I huff," Come on Mama. Not this again. I am just 25 for God's sake.  I can have any guy I want, then why the rush?"

Mama turns to Dadda with an expression  that says 'you handle this brat otherwise it won't be good.' Poor Dadda.

"Bacha, listen to me. I know you are capable enough to live your life on your own. But take it from someone who wasn't interested in marrying, it's a nice thing to share your life with someone. I know you are my princess, I would do anything to keep you away from the probing world and with me always, but life doesn't work that way right? As painful it is to let you go, I would be happy if there is someone to take care of you after me." Tears brim tbe corner of my eyes. I can never live without Dadda.

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