First day

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Sams POV
Oh god. First day of school and even better I'm from Sunnyvale so everyone will treat me like a snobby,rich bitch but I'm
not I just had to move there from Cali because of my dads shitty
job. Another thing I'm worrying about is cheer tryouts, in the little tight blue and white skirts and and the cropped shirts. Yay perverts. I huffed to myself knowing there's gonna be some little weirdos who wanna get up in my bra just like the jocks at my
Old school. "What are you huffing and puffing about?" I heard a soft voice chuckle knowing exactly who it was. "I-Deena hey. Just thinking about cheer tryouts and all the jocks that might wanna use me."
"One I won't let anyone even touch you and two don't worry about Practice. Kate my best friend is actually cheer captain and well I've spoke about you to her and she seems to like you so does Simone. Sit with us at lunch?" Deena asks all at once she seemed a little nervous as if I was going to say no. "Good things I suppose. And ofcourse I'll sit with you, I mean I don't know anyone else."
Deenas POV
"Do you want a ride? I mean if you walked I think you'd be late and that won't look good for a first day."
"sure." Sam added with a reassuring smile. "We need to pick Simone and Kate up along the way and josh is getting dropped off too so hop in the front ." We pull up a kates house and Simone walks out in his jeans and red jacket per usual and Kate wearing her cheer outfit.
"Hey ladykiller. Is this blondie sam?" Kate asks with a tone you just knows there's meaning behind and Simone smirked getting into the back along with Kate and josh. "Yes. She's trying out for cheer so be nice dickheads." I pull into the school parking lot and everyone gets out I give josh a pat on the head. "See you later sir silence." I smirk and he just walks away rolling his eyes. The three of us walk into school Sam got a few looks as she was new and me and Simone heard a few comments like "dyke" and "disgusting people". Nothing new.
Kates POV
First period history with Simone. Deena and Sam have English fate brings them together. Fucking
Hate history mr. Lenin is such an asshole no matter the day or vacation or celebrations he's always got the same depressive cold look on his face you can never read. The only
Time Ive ever seen him smile is
when a student got escorted out because he was causing a scene in the cafeteria. Fuck knows why that was funny but hey we roll.
I walk in and find two empty seats at the very back so me and Simone won't get in trouble for talking or laughing too loud or even munching on gum like how is that affecting learning it just isn't.
Sams POV
Me and Deena arrived at English parting from Simone and Kate.
"hi I'm mrs Lane. You must be Samantha Fraser correct?"
"Urm yes Ma,am but I prefer to be called Sam."
"Ah well Sam I see you've already made friends with Deena Johnson,good choice she's lovely along with Simone and Kate."
"Noted." I smile and went and found a spot with Deena."
Deenas POV
Sam was talking to miss and I went to the back and found us somewhere to sit. And I could was stare at her. Not In a creepy way just the heart eyes I want you way. This gave me time to look at her full and closely. I looked her from head to toe from toe to head but my eyes just stopped at her chest area. She looked so hot in her black jeans and white tube top with her red jacket and sneakers.
"Deena? Deena! DEENA!" Sam shouts waving her hand infront of my face signaling she wants my attention. "Mhm? Sorry what?" I say my eyes still glued to her large boo- Deena stop you little perve.
"my eyes are here not on my tits" she says giggling lifting my chin up with her index finger. I mean she could stick that inside me anyti- okayyy that's a wrap Deena.
"Yeah,yeah sorry. You just look... wow today."
"Not too bad yourself Johnson." Sam says before opening her note pad and doodling all sorts not paying any attention to the teacher. I pull myself away from staring into the side of her blonde,wavy hair and back to the teacher.

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