party (1)

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Sorry I haven't been updating no clue how long it's been but let's keep this book alive
Sams POV
I felt deena's eyes on me most of that period, she's a pretty good drawer to say there only doodles I felt her eyes drag back over to me
maybe she likes me.
There's gonna be a party tonight at Ryan's house I kinda wanna ask deena to go but I don't know.
"Whatcha thinking about?" Deena asked exaggerating the t.
"Oh nothing there's this party at Ryan's lat-."
" I heard but I'm not really a type of party person so I don't know if I'm gonna go or not,usually Kate makes me come along if not she'd have to look after drunk Simone on herself." Deena added while we walked to lunch. I spotted Kate and Simone across the lunch hall so I lightly tapped Deena on the shoulder, she looked confused at first but then spotted them herself and gave me a quick
Deenas POV
We all sat down including sam that for some reason sat quietly and looked quite uncomfortable but I decided to Shrug it off and ask her about it later. After I skimmed the lunch room to see if josh was here with his loser mates yet I spotted a bunch of jocks staring at Sam, sniggering and smirking. God I wish they'd get over themselves and find someone who actually wants to suck their shadyside cock. "We're going to Ryan's party Deena. All of us." Kate said in her bitchy I'm a cheer captain tone.
"fine. Only coz sams going." I added with a huff
I fucking hate parties but sam looks down lately and If she gets smashed I wanna be the one to take her home not some preppy ass hole from Sunnyvale that Ryan invites over coz of his brother. I think I could use some drinks too tbh. "Deena.. Deena. Deena!" I heard sam shout on the third time.
"mhm? Yeah sorry, what's up?"
"uhm you just zoned out a bit that's all." She said with a quick smile and I think a blush.
Simone pulls out a whole bottle of tequila.
"SIMONE! what the fuck." Kate spoke with a laugh.
"for tonight. We're getting drunk ladies. And we're definitely playing truth or dare and seven minutes in heaven." He says winking between me and Sam.
*at party still Deenas POV*
Sam was sat with a group of lads from our chemistry class while getting drunk out her head. I really hope she doesn't do anything
Stupid for fuck sake.
Kate's POV
I could see Deena not taking her eyes off Sam, she needs to loosen up a little we're all here to have fun. "Ayo! Time for seven minutes in
Heaven!" One of the preppy lads shouted.
Everyone got up and followed them to sit in the decently sized hall way next to the closet.
Deena sat next to me and Simone sat at the other side of the circle with Sam. This
Is going to be so much fun.

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