Chapter Three

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(Mj's Pov)

Mj arrived at her home, perhaps a bit later than usual- but overall the same way she had been coming back from her 'detention' art classes for the past month or so. She found it surprisingly entertaining to draw people in distress. Well, in a way, that is. Peter had been her latest subject, somehow finding time to get into trouble despite all his Spider-man-ing around town. Or maybe that was why he got into trouble.

But what he had gotten himself into this time, was farby the worst yet.

Mj arrived at her home, heading to her room like usual. Nothing should have been different, although it was painfully obvious now. With all the stories of break-ins and murders she's read, she knew to keep her room clean enough to notice something misplaced, but not so much it seemed like she remembered where everything went. To keep it in orderly chaos. 

So she did. But she could tell this time that someone had been in there, although they hadn't searched for anything.

They had left something.

Something completely terrible.

A small flash drive, already plugged into her laptop with a video pulled up on the screen.

Someone had been inside her room, delivered a flashdrive, hacked her computer, all to make her watch a video.

That was... unnerving. And suspicious.

And then she made the mistake of watching it.


(Your Pov)

"Y/N, so help me if you don't pick up the damn phone right now-" Your best friend shouted through the phone the moment you picked up.

"Mj! Relax, I'm here. What's going on?" You tried to calm her down, although she seemed unable to. You could see her through the facetime, although the camera was shaking so much you could only barely see her.

"What's going on?" She echoed you, her voice on the verge of breaking. Of panic. "You're not answering the damn phone, that's what's going on!"

"Ok, ok I'm sorry. Just tell me what happened."

She took a breath. "Someone was in my house. In my room, and they left me this." She pointed her camera towards her laptop. There was a USB plugged in, with a video pulled up.

"A video?" Who was sneaking usbs and videos onto Mj's laptop past midnight? You could only hope this was just some prank from some random kid, maybe someone who took it too far to get your attention as to go after your best friend.

"Yes! No- it's what's on the damn video that has me stressed out!" She said, sighing and pointing the camera towards it.

She played it.

"Hello, Miss Mary Jane."  Oh shit. Shit to all the shit to have ever been shited. The voice was scratchy, although still clear enough to be holding a certain threatening aspect to it. Whoever this was- they were not just some freaky kid from school. There was a hooded, masked figure in the center of the screen, obviously sitting in front of whatever was taking the video. It was like a freaky video call with a mysterious enemy you knew nothing about. Which is what this was... kind of.

"Yes, we know who you are. We know many things, about many people." What did they mean? This was obviously a call to threaten someone- and by Mj's expression it was most likely someone that you knew. Loki? A lot of people were most likely upset that a supposed 'villain' was working with the Avengers. Although that was a complicated situation- and not one that many people knew the full story of.

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