Chapter Fourteen

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(A/N: Most angst ever.)

(Loki's Pov)

After their talk on the bridge, Loki and Thor ventured straight towards Midgard. After explaining the predicament and telling where Y/N was, the Avengers were on board. Some hours of planning and preparation later, and they had a sound concept of what they were going to do.

But they needed more than a concept to infiltrate the void, attack Thanos, and successfully rescue Y/N. Which meant more time spent.

And eventually they did finalize a plan, although only after a few days. A few days more of torture for her, Loki was sure. And he hated it. Every day he waited, discussed, planned for every eventuality. Because they all needed to get out alive, not just most of their team. Otherwise it would be a futile attempt.

"Loki!" Thor shouted one afternoon, waking his brother from where he had dozed off. It happened more and more, even the god not able to stay up with all the hours he kept.

"What? Oh, Thor. What is it?" Loki woke up groggily, looking around at the hustle and bustle of the room. 

"We're ready."


(Your Pov)

Another week passed. Seven more days of chaos, of illusions, of not trusting reality. Seven more days without strength, without schedule, without any form of reassurance that things may get better.

At least, you thought it was a week. It felt like it.

"-And don't get up." the most recent of your torturers sneered, chuckling as he threw you in your cell. It was always like this, you being treated like dirt. And you've gotten used to it over time. What was the point of fighting back if the was no hope for the battle to end?

It wasn't until you heard blaster fire did you dare glance up, moving yourself against the wall. They had moved you from your old cell, whatever the reason. This new one had a thick door as the entrance, although it seemed more like a vault lock than anything else. Strong enough you doubted anything could get it open.

Which is why when you heard footsteps outside, you couldn't help but laugh. Only Thanos knew how to open it, which meant the people outside were nothing but illusions. Yet they still worked to unlock the locks, or whatever led to the door swinging open.

And there stood Loki, with half the Avengers' team behind him. Slightly different than the full team Thanos usually sent, although not any more trickier. You just glared at him, exhausted- but still a glare at Loki, with his raven hair pulled perfectly back behind him, his emerald eyes staring ever so sadly at you. Coming to the rescue yet again.

"Y/N." Loki whispered, not even moving an inch. You really did wish he was the real Loki, and not whatever hallucination you were having now. His voice sounded so real, so reassuring- But you couldn't let yourself fall for this again. You couldn't.

So instead, you laughed. Heartlessly, slowly, with as much annoyance you could tone it with. This wasn't Loki, this wasn't the team, these impostors weren't rescuing you. You were never being rescued.

"Again?" You ask, before moving your eyes to the ceiling. You couldn't look at his face anymore, not when you knew it was just lies. Just tricks.

"What?" Lok- Thanos, asked. "It's me, love. I've come to rescue you." Oh sure. Like every other rescue party before? Hell, he already gave it away he wasn't really here by using that nickname. This was just another manipulation.

"Enough with the lies." You whispered, not able to handle this again. You knew Thanos wouldn't stop until he got beneath your skin, each time digging deeper. It's what he did. He was an ugly virus.

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