Chapter Four

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(Loki's Pov)

"We've got a mission!" Tony shouted through the jet on their way back to the tower. Even after a night of hard work- there was still more? As a collective groan could be heard throughout the group, it seems as though everyone had been thinking the same. "Someone's stolen one of my suits and is flying around the city like some amatuer!" Tony continued, most of the team sighing in annoyance. Given it was his own thing that was taken, it did seem it was his fault.

"Isn't it supposed to be impossible to steal one of your suits?" Clint asked, not even moving from the pilot's seat. But he had a point nonetheless, as far as anyone knew all of Stark's suits had been moved to the tower for safekeeping. And to break into the tower? That was near impossible even before all the security upgrades due to... well, them assuming leaks had been getting through somehow. Although technically that had just been Y/N, not an enemy. It was a complicated story.

"Yes, it should be. But someone got into our tower, did who knows what, and is now in possession of one of the best technological advances ever designed." If there really was a problem at the tower, Loki was sure Y/N would have at least tried to reach him. Or he would have felt something through their connection, that was strong enough to overpower the adrenaline from the fight not ten minutes ago.

"Well, I am certainly glad to see your ego has not been taken as well." Loki mumbled, despite all he tried to be polite. Tony Stark was many things, although his ego most likely made up most of him.

"What was that, reindeer games? I'm sorry, was someone else's ego finally bigger than your own?" Tony said, standing head to head with the god. "Here I thought failing to take over a city would have knocked you a few pegs down."

"Calm down, the both of you!" Steve interrupted, standing as well. "We won't figure out how this happened until we catch the person. They are armed, so be prepared for a fight."

Loki sighed as he sat back down, the jet seeming to somehow go faster back towards the tower. But there was something bothering him besides the billionaire- a question. Why would someone go through the trouble of stealing one of Tony's iron-man suits, without having a plan of action? Why would they still even be in the city?

This questioning is what led Loki to realise Stark wasn't the only one who's made a suit, and keeps it in the tower. Someone else had one, and was smart enough to keep it secret for all this time. Although she showed it to him awhile ago, telling him how she wanted to help save lives one day.

His soulmate.


If she really did try it out tonight- then they were chasing the wrong person. Or, they shouldn't be chasing anyone at all. If Sky was flying around the city in her own suit-

This was going to end really, really badly.

This was obvious when Loki tried to reach out to her, only to have Y/N block his connection. But why would she do that? Unless something really was wrong...

"Alright team, let's knock them out of the sky." Steve said, as they spotted the flying person a little ways ahead.

Loki had a bad feeling about this.


(Your pov)

"Miba, get my suit ready."

"On it."

You were about to take off, following the trail Miba had tracked from that video's signal. It led to a building in the rougher parts of New York, somewhere you definitely shouldn't be going to alone. But desperate times called for desperate measures and all that, leading to you flying out the tower window anyways.

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