Chapter Eight

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(Loki's Pov)

"Welcome to Asgard, my princes." A familiar, strong voice projected through the golden dome. Asgard, the realm eternal. And Loki was finally back. The Avengers had seen them off to the Bifrost, watching as the 'aliens' left the planet. They didn't know how long they would be gone for, but if Odin had his wish, then that may be bordering on the line of never.

"Heimdal, nice to see you again!" Thor boomed, as Loki nodded his acknowledgment. Heimdal turned to Loki, a knowing look in his eyes.

"I am sorry for your loss, my prince." Those few words of condolences were the only clue as to anything Heimdal had seen. No doubt the king and queen had wanted to check up on their sons during their stay on another planet, what better way than to spy? "They are waiting for you in the throne room."

After a quick nod, the brothers were off again.


"Sons, welcome home." A voice echoed through the large throne room, belonging to none other than their father. The grand king of Asgard, whose sole hobby is banishing people. That and locking them in the dungeons.

"Father, Mother." They responded, as the queen came down from the king's right side to hug them both. She lingered on Loki, sighing when she saw the dawdling hurt in his eyes. He knew she would insist they talk about it later, although now was not the best of times.

"You look well." Frigga said, backing up from having embraced them. "So, what is this wonderful news we simply must hear?"

Thor's grin spread across his face faster than Odin's beard, as he suddenly backed up and chucked Mjolnir at Loki.

Well that was one way to break the news.

As an uproar was heard from those around them, Loki quickly caught the hammer before it could do harm. Then an idea struck. While Thor has always threatened him with Mjolnir, now Loki could do the same. While his brother was preoccupied reassuring their parents this was in fact his hammer and not some fake replica, Loki threw it right back to him, aimed right for the blond oaf's face.

Thor just laughed. Laughed as he caught the hammer, twirling it in his hands. "We'll make a warrior out of you yet, brother."

Loki smirked back, enjoying this mischief. He had been so deprived of it at the tower, the open acceptance of his tricks not so open. Although he and Y/N had gotten into some mischief, some pranks pulled on the team. Whether it a complicated plan with many moving parts, or just as simple as making out in a closet hoping not to get caught- she had made every day so much better.

He could still feel her lips on his, their final kiss goodbye. A painful reminder that there were no more make-outs, no more secret kisses.

That she really was gone.


Loki sulked the halls of the palace, much later than he was most likely supposed to. But sleep had evaded his grasp yet again, leaving him with nothing better to do than to become reacquainted with the place.

It really did feel like home here, as much as Loki wanted to deny it. He had spent over a millennia running these halls, exploring every nook and cranny. The memories he held- sure, there were those that left him feeling lonely, but most brought a smile to his face.

And because this grand palace felt like home, every corner and corridor held a story. Another memory, thought, or reminiscence about the place around him. The alcove he had caught Thor and Lady Sif kissing, the dining hall where so many parties and feasts had been held, the gardens where he used to wander with his mother. And at each place he visited, Loki caught himself practically hearing the people in the memory, although no one was there. Only in his mind-

"Loki?" A new voice called out, one not from his memories here. One that he shouldn't be hearing- as much as he had longed to. "Where are..." The voice faded out, as Loki spun around for the source.

He was losing his mind. No way was she here, it was simply impossible.

But as Loki turned around, he spotted a glimmer of a figure heading around the next corner. A glimmer of a memory- although memories didn't manifest. Not in this way, at least.

"Y/N?" He whispered, his heart fluttering at whatever mistake this was. Whatever fluke, hallucination, or brief ghostly encounter this might be.

Despite the doubts in his mind, his heart still chased after her around the corner. And around the next, and the next, until he followed her out into the gardens. Loki couldn't figure out why she would be here, either in Asgard or the palace gardens, but the mere thought of her being so close pushed those thoughts from his mind. She kept avoiding his every glance, hiding out in the spaces he couldn't see her. But he managed to catch little glimpses- just enough to keep his wild hopes up.

When he finally turned the last corner, they were in the middle of the gardens. No one but the crickets sounded, little scurries in the brush to remind him he was not alone. But... he was. She was supposed to be gone. It should have been foolish to think she would ever appear again, had it not for the denial Loki felt. That maybe, in some crazy mix-up she survived.

He stopped when he could finally see her. Facing away, although still so real. She wore the same dress she did to her surprise birthday party, her hair done perfectly. But even though she hadn't shown her soulmark that night, he could see it now on her upper back. She was here. She was really-

He reached out to touch her, to perhaps turn her around to he could see her face. He knew this wasn't a dream. It was reality. She really was here-

The moment his hand touched her, she burst into nothing but a cloud of magical mist. Fading away, the wind blowing what was her moments ago.

"Not again." He dropped to his knees, not able to bear the pain of her loss a moment longer. To yet again lose her, because of him. 

Why couldn't he just had been a few seconds faster? Or hear her the first time she called? If he had used less magic in the first battle, maybe he would have had enough to save her. 

Every what-if that ran through his mind left him with the same answer. The same reason, the same person to blame that made her disappear just now.

Loki. It was his fault she was gone.

All. His. Fault.

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