THAT EVENING I walked through the courtyard, heading for my apartment when I caught the scent of Kindred. I stopped and looked around, trying to figure out where it was coming from.

There was only one person in sight. He had his back to me and a large box in his arms, but there was something somehow familiar about the tall, broad shouldered figure. I watched him, trying to figure out why he seemed so familiar. He set the box down, turned and looked around, almost as though he had felt someone watching him. The moment I saw his face, I knew through the unfamiliar shagginess of his dirty blond hair, the angular jaw and distinctive set of his mouth were clear. His nose had been broken and healed crookedly since the last time I had seen him, but I hadn't seen him years. I froze for a split second, disbelieving my eyes.

"Devon Wilson!" I shouted.

He spotted me as I called out his name and it took a moment before recognition flashed across his face. He'd been in Payson's class in school, they were few years ahead of me, but they'd hung out in the same circle. Her crowd had spent enough time at our house that we were friendly despite the age difference.

"Daniels? Nickie Daniels! How're you doing?" A smile spread across his face. I changed direction and headed for him.

"I'm good, you? I heard you ran away and joined the Army. I haven't seen you in years," I said as soon as I was close enough I wouldn't have to yell. When I got close enough, I caught the smoky scent of him under the sweat he'd worked up hauling boxes.

"I did. I was with them for almost ten years before I broke my leg and they gave me a medical discharge."

"They discharged you over a broken leg?" I asked.

"Well, maybe broken's not the right word, shattered would be more accurate. It's been almost a year since the accident and I still have trouble."

"Oh, wow. But wait. You're Kindred, why haven't you healed in a year?"

Surprise flashed across his face for an instant before he cleared it.

"What do you mean?" His face was blank.

I panicked for just a second, worried I'd screwed up. I had to be careful here, I didn't want to make him suspicious if I was wrong, but I knew I wasn't. I was certain he knew. But this wasn't the place for this, where anyone could walk by and overhear.

"You look like you've had a full day. Why don't you come up to my place and we can catch up," I said. "I'll fix us something to eat and we can talk."

"Um... okay, I guess. Let me just lock up and I'll be right behind you. Which unit are you in?"

"315, but I didn't know you live here."

"I haven't been, but I do now. I'm moving in today. I've only been back for a little while and I've spent the last couple of weeks crashing at my parents' until I could find a place."

"No wonder I haven't seen you around here," I said. "I'm going to head up and fire up the grill. I'll thaw a couple of steaks and we can toss those on. You come up when you're ready." I turned and started across the courtyard. As soon as I got inside my apartment, I pulled my PCD out of my purse and dialed Bill.

"Nickie, what's up?" Bill answered.

"Devon Wilson. Payson's age. Why does he smell like Kindred? And why did he pretend not to know what I was talking about when I asked him?" I asked quickly, not wasting time.

"I knew he was back in town but didn't realize you knew him."

"He was part of Payson's crowd in school; they spent a lot of time hanging around the house, so we were friendly," I said, keeping it short; I was kind of in a hurry.

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