Izuku Midoryia

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Writing finished: 31/10/2021


Musutafu, a Sunday night around midnight, in a bar.

We can see different people drinking and having fun around a table. In the pack there is a teenager. 

Random 1: And I hit him with a right hook and poof he falls on the floor...

The man continue to tell his story when the teen stands up and go to pay his drink.

Barman: You're going home early today I see.

??: Yeah, I need to drive my sis to Shiketsu tomorrow, what a pain. She could move her ass, I'm pretty sure she would less complain about guys saying that she is a fatass.

Barman: AHAHAHA! Like it's the case!

The teen smiles and takes his leave after paying. On the road, he see a man enter an alley with a dead end and decide to look just to be sure there is not a shady business. He see 4 guy striping a girl.

POV ??

If it is not the beginning of a rape, I never drank alcool in my life. Knowing that I ran 3 bottles only tonight... Fuck man. When heroes are called I suppose...

??: Hey assholes!

The 4 turn around and see me. They whisper something wich makes me a little angry.

??: Did your mom never teach you that when someone is speaking to you, you have to look at them in the yes?!

While saying that, I shoot in a trashcan that goes right into the head of one of the aggressor. The other 3 roar with a war cry and run to me with their quirk activated.

POV general

Just before being touched, time seems to stop and ?? looks in your direction.

??: You are certainly asking who am i and why i did that huh? It seems it's protagonist introduction time!

My name is Izuku Midoryia, I'm 15 and i'm 1m70 tall (5,57 feet tall). I'm looking like my canon version but with more muscles, longer hair and some scars won on nightly explorations.

 I'm looking like my canon version but with more muscles, longer hair and some scars won on nightly explorations

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My quirk is unique. It's called Configuration. I can configure everything that touch to the living, and it includes my quirk. I configured it when I was little so that I can copy and save the quirk of the people I see. I can configure my body so I have more arms, more accurate perception... I can modify other living things but it takes a a lot of energy.

I saved some in the past. Here is the list:

-Infos: Useful to gather general information (name, surname, age, size, quirk, work) of others in a radius of 50 meters. If I touch the target with 5 fingers, I can access to his memory. It's a quirk that is activated following my will.

-Indestructible: The pain is nullified and my body is close to Indestructible. This quirk has a need for a lot of energy and is activated following my will.

-Unstopable: I have a close to infinite stamina. This is a passive quirk, no need to be activated.

-Mental Alteration: I have a stronger mind. I'm insensitive to mental quirks (passive capacity) and can modify the mental state of others (Activated capacity. Headache if used too long).

-Superhuman: I am faster, stronger and more flexible. I have better reaction time. A passive quirk.

-Auto-Healing:  I'm healing automatically and quickly. Drinking my blood can heal others. It needs a lot of energy. Passive quirk.

I like to break the rules and fight. I love staying in bars drinking and smoking while  listening to the stories of stranger and playing card games with regulars. I also bet on illegal fights and sometimes I'm the one on the ring. I flirt a lot with girls but in fact I never kissed one or went to bed with one.

Others said that I'm sarcastic and annoying. When I'm fighting, I don't hesitate to injure my opponent and have a reputation of sadistic on the battlefield.

But in fact, I want to be a hero. I don't care at all of the ranking. A hero is saving people and that's all that matter. In this goal, I collect intel incognito that I give to the local police station and I stop two or three crimes like tonight. I went against gangs in the past but it's a pain in the ass to do it discreetly. I mean I'm stealth but hey, I let hero do their job.

Even if I don't show it, it seems that I'm very smart and that I think to others before me. My sis tells that is because I'm shit with social relation but I call bullshit on that.

Last fact, when a fight is exciting or that I feel threatened, a psychotic smiles appears on my face.

For a lot of people around me, I'm a waste because I'm a problem teen who loves smoking, drinking and some call me even crazy.

So, it's like this that I find myself in a dead end alley a Sunday night, a little before midnight, fighting 3 guys with their quirks aiming at me and ready to pierce my chest. I think it's ok to call this situation self defense so I activate Indestructible and tank the hit. I counter by catching the arm of the first and snapping it in two like a very thin woodstick. He is crying like hard.

But this is not my problem. After distributing some more hits, I let them stay limp on the floor with gaps of agony. I go to the girl and she is under the shock of what happened.

Izuku: You have to put your clothes back. It's starting to be cold outside. Also, can you lend me your phone?

She shake her head, agreeing, and lend me her phone, unlocked. Who in the bloody hell has enough trust to unlock it and give it to a stranger? Her I suppose. I turn around and call the cops and an ambulance. Classical traumatic situation.

I give her phone back and go away. I have a night of sleep to catch.


And that's a wrap!

Sorry for this classical and poor writed first chapter!

It is the introduction one and I think you can discern who is Izuku Midoryia.

Also I don't know how every often I will publish since I translate this story from the French version that I write myself. I'm French so I'm sorry if the English is poor by moment or it is not correct grammatically.

With that I hope you liked the chapter! Tell me if you liked it or what can improve my writing please!

Hope you are okay and that you have a nice day!

Val out!

Izuku Midoryia: The WasteWhere stories live. Discover now