Meeting and fights

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Writed 23/11/2021

Published 23/11/2021

We meet again in the observation room of β field with All Might speaking with class 1A.

Sonic: Mister! Why are we doing nothing? We're loosing times and it's inconceivable coming from UA!

AM: Very good question young Iida! We're waiting for your comrades from the 1B class because we will do a joint training! And here they come!

It is now that the 1B class appears, followed by Vlad King, their homeroom teacher.

AM: Good! Now that you all are gathered, ladies and gentlemen, the garb you bring into the battlefield is vitally important! And don't forget! From now on out, You're all officially heroes! All right! Let's see what you're made of you embryos! It's time for the trial of Battle!!!  I'm liking everyone styles! VERY COOL!

Sonic: Sensei! Regarding the performance ground we'll be using, is it the mock city from the entrance exam!?

AM: You'll see... In fact, take two steps and you'll be there! This will be an indoor battle trial! Villain clean up is usually seen out in the open, but statistically, the better part of it is an indoor job. Most acts of villainy are committed indoors. Imprisonment... House arrest... Black market... In this hero saturated society. He Heh! Why, any villain with intelligence is lurking in the shadows!! For this test, you'll separate into "villain" and "heroes" group. For a two-on-two battle!

POV Izuku Midoryia

After All Might said that, Kermit spin off decides to ask a question.

Kermit: What about the foundational training!

AM: This is foundational training! Only this time, there won't be any robots it'd be okay to just destroy.

Yaoyorozu: So how do we determine who wins and loses?

Bakugo: Is it okay if we just blow the away?

Kirby: Is there a threat of expulsion like with Aizawa Sensei' exercise?

Sonic: If we're separating into different groups, what would be the best way to do so?

And even a dude that I didn't see before, Aoyama Yuga....

Aoyama: Doesn't this cape look killer on me?

AM: HNNN... I can't hear you if you speak all at once!!

The group of 6 years old clos their mouth! What a pleasure.

AM: For this training, we'll have some "villains" guard a nuclear weapon they intend on deploying. Heroes must stop them and their nefarious scheme before it's too late! If the heroes capture. the villains or reach the nuclear core before the time runs out, they win. If the villains manage to keep the core the whole time or capture the heroes, they win.

Sounds like  golden age superhero stuff... It's ridiculous!

He then takes out a box from nowhere.

AM: Your teammates and opponents will be chosen by lottery!!

Sonic: Is that really how we'll do it!?

Izuku: Why not Sonic? You believed we always choose with who we are teaming on the battlefield? You need to start using your brain.

POV Itsuka Kendo

??: Why not Sonic? You believed we always choose with who we are teaming on the battlefield? You need to start using your brain.

This voice! I'm sure I heard it somewhere before and I turn to look at who spoke. And I see him, in his hero costume, the one who saved me at the entrance exam and complimented my quirk! But why is he alone and looks like nobody want to speak with him?

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