Vilain never win!

32 1 0

Started 29/12/2021

Finished 29/12/2021

POV Izuku Midoryia

My left arm was crumbling, so I used Configuration to have a really sharp right hand and I cut my left arm. Shigaraki jump back in surprise. 

Me: Kendo! Yaoyorozu! Take Vlad and go away! I will be fine!

They listen to me but not without refuting the last fact.

Me: Do you know what my quirk is? 

Yaoyorozu: No.... 

Kendo: A super strength one.

I then start to cackle.

Me: It's not so simple. Watch and learn what it is to really fight!

I then start to dash and I feel that  "Auto-Healing" kicks in. 

Shigaraki try to grab me but I stop one of his hands with my feet hitting his wrist and by grabbing the other with my right hand.

Shigaraki: And what are you gonna do with a missing arm?

At that moment, he starts to understand.

Shigaraki: Wait! Where is all your blood if you have an arm cut. Why aren't you fainting?! You're cheating!

He tries to grab me with the hand I hit earlier but I'm faster and I punch his head with the arm that regenerated. I was hiding it in my back. He was too focused on hitting me to see it. 

I use Configuration with the hand with his wrist in to drain all his energy and using it for my quirks since it needs a lot of it. 

He fell limp on the floor. 


At that moment, Nomu attacks me again and Kurogiri use his quirk make it harder to predict. 

A dozen of portal appears and I quickly decide on what to do. 

I grab Shigaraki, careful to not let him touch him with his hands and I block Nomu punches with his body. He is all bloodied. 

I throw him away, not caring if he's dead or not. 

The portal dude quickly went to his master side to check on him and I rush Nomu.I'm blocking his punches that are going faster and faster. It became really hard to contain him. I can't use all my power or I risk to endanger more the other...

I then have an idea. A genius one. I can temporary mimic the quirks that hit me. It's easier than to configure a quirk from scratch. Copying Edgeshot quirk will be longer and will take more energy and concentration to do it. 

I follow the little voice in my head saying "Kill the monster" in a loop and let the heat of the fight take control on me. 

It's not exactly that but my problems have no importance at the moment.

I then start to dodge while using a hand to configure me. I copy Shigaraki quirk and when it's ready is the moment I strike. 

The Nomu goes for a wide hook that I duck under. At that moment, he tries to bite me and I took my chance. I go under him with a roll and jump behind him, placing him in an arm triangle. 

I think I hear Shigaraki laughing because a grappling technique can't kill a Nomu. But the laugh quickly dies when I put one of my hand on the Nomu's back head. 

POV Itsuka Kendo

Midoryia just went to fight against that crazy guy. I don't know how he is not screaming in pain. I mean, he just FUCKING CUT HIS  OWN ARM. I can't stop myself from looking at the fight when we finally stop at the entrance. And what I see don't fail to shock again. His arm regrew and he just used to punch the Vilain face. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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