Chapter 1

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                       Lia's POV

First day of school could not be that bad right?

Well am about to find out, Beulah's Pride won't be bad, will it?

Well, considering mom chose this school instead of all my other options, it can be manageable.

Making new friends is something I like alot, but this is different, we're talking about high class students with excellent brain capacities, going to a million Naira school with all the necessary equipments to teach properly.

"Why are you so scared? Weren't you the one smiling around with the idea of making new friends? " My sister asked.

"I'm not scared sis, I'm just a bit nervous, you know? This is the first time I'm attending such an expensive school and its nerve wrecking " I defended honestly.  She chuckled a bit.

"Stop being a baby. Trust me, it won't be that hard, though you have an habit of blushing when talking to someone you ain't familiar with, you'll be fine. It's not like a couple of 14-15 year olds would be mean! Chill, and make sure to tell me every thing when you get home". She consoled.

I gave her a wide smile. "Thanks sis, you're the best!" I hugged her before entering the car.

"And remember, you are Lia Roberts, my confident sister who won't have anyone stop on her rights" sis motivated.

"Bye Lina!" I giggled at her expertise in motivating people.

"Bye Lia, have fun!" She waved before the care drove off. Remember confidence runs in you're blood. You are a Roberts. Do not mess this up.

"Good morning ma" I spoke confidently as I entered the AD's office. The middle age woman with dark complexion sat behind the mahogany table with her glasses on.

"Good morning miss, you must be Mia Roberts. Welcome to Beulah's Pride High." The AD said.

"Thank you but its Lia with the L, not Mia ma'am" I corrected calmly as she nodded.

"Sorry, that was a mistake from my side. By the way, you're in Year 10 right? You'll be assigned to a seat in the first arm and your uniform will be ready by Friday" She said and stood up and led me outside to the general staff room.

"Umm, mr Friday" She called, a man, I assume is in his mid thirties answered.

"Yes Miss Houma" He came forward and greeted.

"Take her to her class please" she spoke "Year 10, precisely A."

Yes ma'am, come with me" he gestured towards the door and I followed him.

Immediately we arrived at my class he went to the teacher standing in front of the classroom. They whispered for a while before I was invited inside.

"Ok class we have a new student in class." The teacher said drawing the class's attention to us. "Do you mind introducing yourself to the class?" The teacher asked. I nodded.

"Hey, I'm Lia, Lia Roberts" I said with confidence in my calm voice.

"Heyyy" the entire class chorused and I smiled.

"Take a seat Lia" The teacher said.

Wow! things are going smoother than I expected. Phew. I mentally wiped an invinvisible sweat off my forehead.

"So, since we have a new student in class, how about we ask you a few questions to see your brain capacity" Oh shit! I spoke too soon.

Right now, I'm panicking so much in my inside but I try to look cool on the face. This is just a test, you are better than this.

"But first, which school were you attending before BPH?" The teacher asked. Ok! so I don't think I like Mr who I don't know his name.

"Greenpeace Intl Schools, sir" I answered coolly with a smug smile.

"Ok, so first question" he said.

"Sorry, but please, what's your name" I asked with a bit of my fake British accent.

What! Quit judging!

"My name is Festus, you can call me Mr Festus " I nodded.

He was about to say something when he was interrupted by a boy in class.

"Yes Joel? Do you want anything?" Mr Festus said.

"Can I ask the first question?" Mr Festus nodded. There are smile on everyone's faces by now. There is a mischievous smile on Joel's face. "Do you have a phone? Can I have your number?" Everyone laughed and I wrote my name and number on a piece of paper someone passed to me and passed it back giving Joel a wink.
The idiot is tripping already.

Good job Roberts. I mentally tap my shoulder.

"Moving on, Question time. Actual questions this time. Ok we have twenty minutes till the period is over so ask questions, one at a time please." Mr Festus said. "You ready?"

"I was born ready, sir" I answered.

And then it began. I was bombarded with questions from all over.

I answered them like nothing happened. But bruh, am dying from inside, this people are tough good thing I prepared.


Its break and I am surrounded by classmates.

"So, what do think of BPH?" Angel asked. She's a fair small eyes, which are black, pointed nose and small lips. She's quite a beauty with her black braids and with white chords styling it in few places.
"I bet she loves it here!" Ini asked. Shes dark with normal sized eyes plump lips, she's quite short. She's pretty too. Who am I kidding, all of them are pretty like real beauty.

"I like it buh I kinda miss my former school a little bit." I said.

"Aww, I can relate with that. But don't worry, we will help fill that vacuum, okay?" Nahimat the Muslim girl said.

"Thank alot guys, you've not given me a reason to dislike this place " I said.

"Ok." Joel shouted drawing the attention to him. "This is for the noobs. And the pretty British Lia over there." He winked. Well two can play the game right? I smiled at him.

They began to drum and started free styling. With our names. Guy, this is what you call talent. They are good but there's this boy that caught my eye.

He did it without a care in the world. No smile, nothing no expression just there drumming and rapping.

"That one's ego is as large as Texas" Emily said. But he just shot her a million Naira smirk.

Hehehe. He's both Nigerian and England. His accent proves that.

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