Chapter 7

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Back at home***

"So I called this family meeting in other to tell you kids a story. I and your mother aren't what we seem to be...." This man has come with his nonsense talk again which one is we aren't what we seem to be? Lia thought and laughed.

There is something you should know about my father. This man can make up things for Africa.

He cleared his throat and continued "my father had called my siblings and I for this same reason." He paused as we all listened to what he wanted to say next. Hearing our  Grandpa iss enough to keep us listening. "... Long ago there was a war wedged against the Nigerians and a man had tried his best to keep the war from taking place since he was seen as the leader. His wife was pregnant then and was due in a few months. He fought his good fight against slavery and human trafficking and he succeeded in every thing else but failed to protect his life.

"His wife was traumatised and entered into a forced labour she was successful in delivering the quadruplets but had lost alot of blood. Before she died she made a sacrifice to the Earth on the protection of her twins. She rubbed Earth all over the kids and died soon after" He signed and rubbed his eyes before he continued "Those kids grew up with special abilities; one to control earth, another water, another air and the last fire. But those abilities were hidden from the naked eyes of men. Those children grew up to get married and each child they had had special abilities of their own. The family was lage enough then and moved to another village. The family just kept growing until one of the daughter in law of the family spread the word in various other communities. Out of ignorance and jealousy of the heart the family as attacked and their were only a few survivors and that was like 100 years later. Those who remained decided to form a sacred cult. And they were then named The Elementals since they could control the elements. But that later changed because their powers were no longer limited to just elements. There were now shape shifters, fairies, power humans and so on and so forth" Dad finished looking at the amused faces of his children.

"But how is all that our business " Lian said in their dialect. His mother hissed.

"I told you he's the dumbest "Mom said hissing. Lian scoffed looking displeased.

"Sweetie just show them?" Dad smirked. Giving us that 'you're gonna be amused ' look.

Mom closed her eyes and opened it and all of a sudden, wind in all corners  of the room, flinging things around the place... she opened her eyes and they were pure white. At this point all of us were already at the back the room.. shocked, suprised, amazed, scared.. you name it.

"I am dreaming tell me to wake up!" Liam whined sounding scared.

"Mom's a witch!" I cried out.

We've been living with a witch all our life

"There must be a big fan somewhere in here. There has to be a logical explanation to this bullshit!" Lisa exclaimed.

"Dad you got married to a witch! I always knew you were stupid" Lian hissed annoyed at his father action.

"We're dead we're all dead!" Lina shouted at the top of her voice.

"Mom is possessed that's it she has to be possessed! " I screamed as I his behind my brothers.

"I guess it's time to show them mine." Dad said through laughs. He closed his eyes and vanished. Another set of screams.

"Dad is gone! He is really gone!" Lisa choked out before breaking into tears all over again.

"Stop overreacting I'm right here " He mumbled. Another set of screams.

But we can't see him.

"Open the door!!!!" Liam cried out. Sobs escaping from his lips.

Dad became visible as he whispered something into Mom's ear and she nodded. "Why won't this door open!!" Lisa screamed.

"OPEN THE DOOR!" Lina cried hitting the door.

"Oh! what did you do to this children they look so frightened..." he gaspes "...did you tell them you tell them? Uncle Theo yelled.

Uncle Theo? When did he get there?.

"Arghh! Stay away from mom, she's a witch!" I yelled and he chuckled, like literally.

"Calm down kids, calm down ok?" He tried to reason but failed. "Gosh! I have to call Boma then" And in a blink of an eye Aunt Boma was in the room.

How are we not unconscious yet!

"Ok sweethearts calm down? Your not scared ok? Just sit alright? " And just like that we became calm and went to sit like we were not just scared seconds ago.

"Theodore take the lead please?" Dad said. Uncle Theo closed his eyes and started mumbling words in a different language or something.

I could feel my body kinda coming alive? I cant understand or explain what I am feeling but by the looks on their faces my siblings feel it too. Confusing yet calming, ticklish but relaxing.. I'm not the best with words already so don't expect better.
My eyes, my nostrils, my tongue and my ears were itchy and my insides we cooling up and my mind was like I shared it with someone... rather everyone's mind. I didn't realise my eyes were closed until I heard a scream.

I opened my eyes immediately and saw Lisa's body surrounded by will I say lightning bolts? She looked different like not totally but just a little more of everything. Lina's appearance was worse, her body was literally a tree.. with the bark and leaves and all. I was about to laugh when something went right through my stomach.  I literally screamed when I saw I was just on fire and that thing hadn't gone through me it had burned to ashes on the floor. But I am not burning at all.

"Whoa!" Lian and Liam said. Well Liam was himself except for the wings and horns, elongated canines and fingers.. no they're claws. As if he wasn't egoistic enough. They had to had an extra of wings and horns.

Lian is literally water clear as hell like he is literally transparent but...  he came directly to me and touched my arms  and the fire there quenched. He giggled.

"Look who's enjoying it now" Dad muttered annoyed.

"Me definitely  me" Lina scoffed "look at me I am a living tree that's so something to be proud of" she said with sarcastic excitement.

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