Chapter 8

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                                 Lina's POV

I am supposed to be happy to have an ability but I'm not as happy as I should be for no reason... it's been 7 days and nothing is going wrong neither is it going right... E just dey.

The good side of Lina's power is that she is now indestructible.. I might have thrown a dagger her way and it got stuck on her arm. I'm  the most annoying I just keeps increasing the temperature of the place. Liam has broken all of moms vases. Lisa is an advantage as she powers the house all the time. Well Lian can produce  water and  can make it rain. I don't think mom and dad are totally proud of our powers since it has turned their lives upside down. I can also hear thoughts. Other people's thoughts and feel some part of their minds. Literally.

"Liam put your wings in check before I take them out !" Mom screamed as be broke another vase.

"I'm trying I was born without these and now you explain me to master how to keep it in check?" He hissed "Do me a favour and ask Uncle Theo if there is a way we could still have our powers but look like normal humans " he pleaded.

Well not for Lian, Lisa, Lina and I. We look normal it's just that we can't play with a few things that we,used to play with before it might get a little out of hand and that might scare alot of people. I can set things on fire without trying... well I haven't mastered it yet... none of us have mastered anything yet...Lina keeps mistakenly growing plants everywhere, Lisa has electrocuted us a few times, Liam keeps breaking things with his wings and I keep burning things all the time, Lian has flooded the house a few times. Thank God we live in a private area. 

About that... school has been a bit messed up as I almost burned  part of it to ashes. Keyword almost. I had been annoyed with my already short uniform which became shorter after the incident  and I wore a host and the principal asked me to take it off. I was so annoyed I didn't know I had sent a message to the Roberts who were already disapproved of the uniform. I had told the principal I won't take it off and she was like 'if you don't take a off I'm gonna have no choice but to punish you and after that you'll still be given a chance to take it off.' He threatened.

"Well listen, if you haven't noticed the school's skirt is too tiny and I hate tiny clothing. " I replied letting enough annoyance slip through my words.

"I said you should take it off! It isn't part of the school's uniform " He said.

"And that's why the school's uniform shouldn't be this short. And you won't even let me tie my blazer around my waist so I found a solution myself " I said.

"That's the school's decision to make not yours " He said. "And other students are not complaining so do the same!"

"I am not other students, I am not like every other girl and I most definitely do not like short clothes " I said too making him hiss.

"Fine then! Your punishment is for the rest of this week... you'll wash the males toilet during your reading times and other free periods of yours " he said calmly.

"Atleast I don't get to take it off! " I said "... thanks for your Co operation Mr. Principal" I smiled and was about to walk put when he called.

"Its Mr. Vincent dear" I nodded. 

"Sorry for the inconvenience by the way" I smiled at him.

Back in the class room

"What took you so long in there?" Ini asked.

"Well Mr. Vincent and I were engaged in an argument on whether I can wear the host or not.. I won the argument so he was like 'if I don't punish this girl I might lose respect'. And my punishment is that I will have to wash the senior males toilet for the rest of the week." I said looking the slightest bit not impressed.

"That isn't good, no it can't be the males toilet. " Angel cried out.

"Chill it's just today and tomorrow there's no biggie" I said.

"You don't understand, do you? It's the senior males toilet and it's location in the locker room for senior boys which means all the boys from ss1 to ss3 will be there and those boys are demons in human clothing "  Zara pointed out.

"I'll be fine don't worry about me" I said not the littlest bit nervous or worried.

That was the biggest mistake I made my entire life.

Those boys are hot I mean like literally hot and when I went in mos of them were shirtless with towels over their shoulders.

Before I could make my way half way through they'd already started whistling and winking and flirting one even had the audacity to wack my ass.

I tried calming my anger as I came 5o a halt by taking deep breaths. "Damn her ass soft as hell."

"Don't ever do that again " I warned in a low voice my eyes closed as I decided not to look at his face. More like I was scared he'd see my red eyes.

"Aww our cute little cupcake is mad" he said making the others laugh. My classmates are even here and they join them to laugh as if I was not familiar with them.

"I am not cute, I am not a cupcake and I'm most definitely not little " I warned my eyes still closed.

"Oh my gosh she's so cute when she's angry." There he goes again. I might or might have not heard his thought and saw his locker through his mind and then someone came running out screaming 'fire' and ran out others followed and boom! Fire explosion in the locker room all students were asked to leave the building to the junior building. Fire fighters took at least 2 hours to show up. By then the building was almost finished by an unknown cause of fire.

The Roberts' had laughed their asses out after hearing what happened and confirming that no one was injured.

'Those boys are gonna hear it from me' Lian thought.

'Let that school resume first ' Liam chuckled deviously in his head.

"Dad your sons have started again oh" I shouted. Feeling confused three of them asked


"Oya lie that you are not planning on going to school with me on Monday do you'll go and threaten those boys" They looked at me their mouths agape. "Why are you looking at me like that I heard you right and clear" I rolled my eyes.

"But I thought it and did not say it? " Liam said surprised.

"Exactly! Lian agreed also in shock.

"Dudes she read your minds, get over it will you!" My mom said laughing at the boys. "Now she can detect whatever the fuck you're up to" she said proudly.


We had retired later that night with the males grumbling curses and wondering how they will be able to keep me out of their heads.

I tried to sleep that night but couldn't guess why, Liam's thoughts were all over the place thinking of anything and everything. Girls, money, his powers, how handsome he is....

I walked to his room and banged on the door. "Keep the thoughts down you jobless egoistic freak! I'm trying to have a good night's rest. "I screamed.

"Go away and stop listening to my thoughts " he replied.

"How can I? Your door is closed so is mine but you find your way and mess with my sleep with your wide, wild and unreasonable imaginations. Look I want to sleep so bad and your thoughts are like speakers playing k-pop music so stop please! Just go to bed." I yelled back highly annoyed.

"Leave this place you're making noise!" He yelled back.

"Fuck you!!!!"I yelled before entering my room and jamming the door loud enough to keep everyone bothered.

I had found a way to block thoughts out of my head. All I needed to do was close the door I mistakenly opened when I was moving and discovering new places in my mind.

My eyelids gave up minutes later. Finally sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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