Chapter 4

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                         LIA'S POV

So, we are currently in 'Genesis cinema ' and trying our best to decide on the best movie to watch.

"I told you to check online for the movies available this month but what did you do?" My dad scolded with a frown on his face.

No reply. At this moment, everyone, well except from me and my mom's heads were down.

"Did I ask you people a question? " Dad boomed at his grown up kids.

"Well, I was about to check oh,but then....."

"But then what happened? "Dad cut Liam off. "Tell me what happened or I'll slap you! "

"How do you expect him to tell you what happened when you keep cutting him off." Lina snapped.

"Exactly!" Our back up singer/ Lisa replied. She always said something about Dad being annoying. 'Well I  think he's spiritually unstable' Lisa's words not mine.

"Is it you I was talking to? " Dad turned to Lisa. "Aproko" (gossip). Dad said glaring daggers at her.

"Father of an aproko " mom mumbled under her breath making me laugh.

"Well if you are done with your insolence I have something to say...." Dad was about to say something but shut up and rolled his eyes on seeing Liam's facial expression. "... I actually went online but I saw only a few movies. So, after much consideration I picked between Charlie's Angels, Maleficent and Wonder Woman " He finished.

"I want to watch Charlie's Angels" I spoke.

"Wonder Woman " Lian said.

"Maleficent " Lisa said.

So much differences between the Roberts even though we all looked identical.

"Ok! We're seven and we could always split" Liam said. I nodded.

"I on the other hand,wants to watch Living In Bondage, thanks for listening " Dad said sarcastically.

"Those who want to watch  Charlie's Angels should stand with Kala..." Lina walked to my side resting her right on my shoulder. "...... if you want to watch Maleficent go to Ada...." Liam stood beside Lisa. ".....Living in Bondage beside dad please.." mom went to dad. "....I guess that leaves Sòny alone" Liam said.

"Why did you have to refer to is by our pet names?" Iné..I mean Lina scolded Liam.

"No explanation " he answered bluntly.

"Before another fight begins can we please detach from each other and go our separate ways? I said. "....besides The croods starts in 10. I want to see good space and sit." There were two ladies behind the counter. The tall one took our snack orders while the shorter one prepared our tickets.

I turned to my brothers. Though the twins were identical to the core it is pretty easy to differentiate between them. Unlike Liam, Lian observed things before speaking. He's quiet yet bold, sweetly, kindly and bluntly intimidating and also brutally honest.  Liam on the other hand was a 'jump into conclusion and forget about the consequences' type. Speaks like a radioactive person, nice, honest, blunt, funny and has a playful demeanor. They were both Ladies Magnet but Liam would accept them with open arms while Lian would roll his eyes and walk away. Either way, they were both BLUNT. At least something in common.

"Here's your ticket and snacks little miss." The first lady behind the counter handed over my goods to me. Lina took it from me and led us inside Room 2.

"Let's sit at the back" I suggested and she nodded. Soon after, the movie started. Lina stole my popcorn a few times when she thought I wasn't looking.  "You could've just asked if you wanted mine I would have given it to you, but no! You fancy the idea of stealing " I said loudly earning a few glares from the other people who obviously don't know how to mind their businesses.

"Oya shut up and watch the film." She said louder than I did. The set of people sitting in front of us turned and shushed us. "Abeggi mind your business!" She snapped at them.

"How rude!" The middle aged woman said.

"Mtcheeeewwwwwww " Lina hissed at her.

"Please mind your business before you get insulted. It's not everything that happens around you,you will address" I said rolling my eyes.

"Lemme see how your mouth will sharp when i call security " She said and stood up and walked to the security guard at the end of the room.

"Hey, I...ummm.. I'm Gabriel" a boy sitting next to me said.

"So?" I asked. "How can I help you?" I asked. I don't fancy shy people.

"Well, I was wondering if we could be friends? "He hesitated.

"Look, if you want to speak to a girl speak confidently " I said and turned back to the screen. I didn't want to be rude but some people need to be taught specific things harshly.

"Umm.. can I have your number? "

"No!" I said bluntly. He's still stammering. I sighed "until you boldly speak I won't give you my number" I explained.

"Hi! I'm Gabriel.. umm, I really want to be friends...with you?" Ok now he isn't sure of himself.

"Look, girls don't appreciate shy boys. Speak like you own this place then watch what happens next" After a few minutes he turned to me.

"Hi! I'm Gabriel, I really like you and I want to be friends. Can I have your number so we could chat?" He spoke a bit too loudly. But the confidence he carried made me smirk.

"Hey, I am Lia, I want to be friends too and yes you can have my number " I said. I took his phone typed my number in it and saved as Lia😍.  I dialed the contact and my phone vibrated from inside my purse.

I returned his phone and brought out mine and saved the number as Gabie😚.

When I turned back to Lina thinking she was about to tease me, I saw her talking to another boy, the one whose seat we snatched and asked to look for another. They exchanged numbers just like Gabriel and I.

"Are you gonna do something or stand here and watch those violators sit there and have their way." A lady snapped. We turned and saw the same lady, the one we tormented earlier.

"You can't teach me how to do my job ma'am " the obviously annoyed man said.

"If you don't kick them out I'll call you boss down here right now!" The lady threatened.

"Please ma'am just have your seat or get out!" He snapped.

"E choke!" I shouted while Lina screamed "Tulé joor!" As we laughed.
The man led the woman out and soon after we were kicked out when we would not stop laughing at the dumb woman.

I threw popcorn on the guard when he finally succeeded in peeling me off his skin. "What insolence! "I shouted while laughing loudly.

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