Chapter 3

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                         Lia's POV

I ran down the stairs yelling. I am the happiest person alive but who sent those though? Ha! Who cares all, I know is I an happy.

"Mom! Dad! Liam, Lian, Lisa, Lina! Anyone who got those, I love you! And from now you are my favourite " I yelled.

"What are you talking about dear?" Dad asked.

"So, you are not the one who sent it?"  I asked looking at him.

"Sent what? Never mind, come eat dinner, we'll go out after that" mom said.

"So sis and bros, which of you put it there" I said curiously sitting inbetween Liam and Lisa. I really love it. So anyone that got it for me has to be thanked by me.

"It was me hon, put it on and we'll go out but first have dinner" Lisa said. This girl is giving me enough reasons to love her more.

"Thanks sis, I really loved it "I said giving her a peck on the cheek.

"I knew you would love it" she said "But I got only the necklace, Liam got the tracksuit, Lian got the shoes and Lina got the anklet" Lisa completed.

Anklets? What anklets.

"Umm...? Sis I didn't see the anklets" I said looking at them.

"Weird, it was supposed to be in the box with the others" Lina said.


"Oh! My bad, it's on the top of your drawer" Lian said for the first time since I came down. "Silly me! Don't look at me with such judgmental eyes, its human to make mistakes " he defended. Grumbling under his breath.

"Its official, Lian is the dumbest Roberts so far" mom said. We all found it funny and laughed. Weeellll...not all exactly, Lian didn't find it all.

"Nice joke mom" he said with all the traces of sarcasm laced in his voice. We all stopped laughing and looked between mom and Lian. This is not gonna end well for either of them.

"At least its funnier than the best joke you've cracked your entire life" she shot back.

"Yeah that's very true considering that you learnt from me how to do whatever you know today" he fired.

This is what you get when two blunt people get married and have kids, US.

"I can see why I am a retard in most aspects of my life " She said. I don't know what is making Lian less of him today but I am sure he is holding back.

"I only taught you good things, you being retarded is something you inherited" That was a good one.

"And I can see you inherited it too" She said "cuz you are just like me".

"No, I'm just like Dad, except you are saying he's a retard too" Great comeback bro.

"I guess you inherited both our traits cause your a bigger retard" Dad joined. "We're all a family of retards" He paused. Immediately everyone opened their mouths to disagree he spoke. "End of discussion "

"So much for being a retard " i murmured.

"Did you say something? " Dad asked raising a brow.

"Yes, wanna know? " I said.

"This is it! Outing is cancelled " Dad said.

"WHAT!?" we all screamed in unison. 
Actually, not all Lian sat there with a dumb smile on his face.

"Everytime he wants to act as if he is our limit " mom mumbled. "See better stop your nonsense ohh, do you know the last time we had a good family day together? Oya as I day look you now change your mind" this lady can scare all her kids with one look. Even Dad doesn't have a say if she wants something.

"I've had a change of heart! " He stood up after clearing his plate.

Who wouldn't love my mom, she's so sweet!

"Will you change your clothes before I change my mind?"

Oops, wrong description. SHE'S SO AUTHORITATIVE!

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