Volume 1 Chapter 4: Chūjitsuna Hikari

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(3rd P.o.V)

In a old Abandoned Oil Refinery Locate in the World of the Living.. multiple 6th grade students are seen observing the area from one the largest tower stacks. 

Male student: *calls out* "It's Begun! Maintain barrier strength!" During Practice, it's common for the real thing to attack!" *the other 6th grade students are seen grabbing the hilt of their Zanpakuto*

Male Student 2: "Right! This is a safe zone, though."

Male Student: "This is our own training, too. Don't let your guard down!"

Male Student 2: "Right, Right!"

The camera slowly pans away from the tower slowly revealing an outline of a massive invisible creature standing behind the 6th graders with bright glowing eyes staring at them..

The scene changes once again to a massive explosion from the top corner of a building. Renji leaps from the cloud of smoke and lands on one of the lower level holding his Zanpakuto out grunting.

He looks over to the building as the Mechanical Hollow Dummy making a brake for it om all fours.

Renji: "Tch.. crap!" *calls out* "Hinamori! It's coming your way!"

The dummy Hollow continues it's path crawling along the rooftops heading straight toward Hinamori, who was already preparing. Shakkaho from the palm of her hand*

Hinamori: "Hado #31 Shakkaho!" *she fires the concentrated flames right at the dummy, landing a direct hit causing a massive cloud of smoke*

However the Dummy Hollow crawls out from the smoke revealing no damages and makes a run for it. Hinamori runs after it.

Hinamori: "Kira-kun!" 

Above the Dummy Hollow Kira is seen going in for the final blow with the moon illuminating behind him. Using the momentum of his descent he slashes downwards slicing the dummy in half.

Kira drops to the lower floor as the Dummy explodes behind him. The blonde turns to Renji who runs over to him, while Momo jumps down to them from the top of the building.

Kira: "Abarai!"

Renji: *stop in front of them* "Easier than I expected."

Kira: "It was our teamwork. No one could've done it alone!" *looks around* "Speaking of which, where is Takato-san?"

Suddenly three destroyed Dummy hollows are seen dropping down in front of the exploding, causing them to instinctively brace themselves. They could hear footstep approaching them. which to their surprise, they see Takato walking out of the smoke.

Takato: *waves over to them* "Hey guys, I was looking for you!"  *the three of them merely stare at him, which he then he looks behind* "These training Dummies are easy!"

Renji: "You're telling me.. Heck I wish  could fight a real Hollow!"

Momo: *looks skeptical* "Hah, only your talk is big!"

Renji: *argues* "I got more than that....!"

Takato: *smirks* "Heh, that's what she said!" *Momo and Renji merely just glare at Takato as Kira walks off. Takato turns and follows* "C'mon! Let's go!"

Momo: *turns Renji and gently pushes him "Okay!"

Renji: "Hey.. hey!"

The four walk off in the same direction, when Takato and Momo stopped as their was a ominous presence in the air. They look back, before turning around catching Renji's and Kira's attention.

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