T W O - Can't Avoid You

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Authors note: words in bold are in Arabic.


To say it had been a rough couple of days, would be like saying that dropping your ice cream was pure bliss.

Ever since running into Jason at the supermarket, I had been thinking about him constantly.

His eyes, his lips, his smile, his laugh, his voice... Wait, no! STOP!

I tossed and turned in bed, realising that my whole situation was really rather hopeless. I moved to England to get away from my past, and to get away from him. Both of which, followed.

I choose to visit my son in London, for two weeks, and suddenly, the man of my dreams, shows up out of the bloody blue, and says he lives here? What the heck?!

I had managed to avoid him for five years, and then suddenly, we're brought back together?!

Fate brought us together...

But why?

That's what I absolutely, could not, for the life of me, figure out.

The casual smile, the boring small talk, and the innocent way he said "Hey!"

It was driving me insane!

And then there was that girl...Zara.
A beautiful woman, with kind eyes, and a sweet smile.

Of course Jason had moved on. Well, I can't even say that he had 'moved on' because he never liked me to begin with. The feelings I feel, are and always will be, one sided.

The tightening pain in my chest had gotten worse, but I didn't intend on sitting around and waiting for it go away. I knew better than that.

It wouldn't go away.

After battling with my inner thoughts and turmoil for far longer than needed, I eventually decided to get out of bed, and get ready for the day!

I needed to forget about, Jason.

I showered, dressed, brushed my teeth, then went downstairs for breakfast.

I sat at the dining table with everyone else, including Lily, who was in her high-chair.

I thanked Geneva, who prepared me scrambled eggs on toast, and once everyone was seated, we began to eat.

"Dad, can I ask you something?" Zain asked, curiously, as he took a sip of his orange juice. I nodded my head, "Sure, sure! Go ahead, son." I said, taking another bite of my toast.

Zain shared a look with his wife, Geneva, before he focused back on me, with a hint of concern etched into his features.

"Is everything okay?" Zain asked, biting his bottom lip, nervously.

"Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, licking my fingers clean. Zain pondered his next remark for a moment, before he began speaking.

"You just haven't been yourself these past couple of days." Zain began, but then Geneva cut in.

"What my darling husband is trying to say, is that you have just seemed a little more tense and stressed the last three days." she explained, taking a mouthful of her coffee.

"Exactly!" Zain added, turning his attention back towards me. "I was just wondering if something happened when you took Lily for a walk that day?" he asked, and my whole body suddenly began to buzz at just the memory of Jason, in black jeans, and a white t-shirt.

What the hell was wrong with me?!

"No, no. Nothing happened." I quickly blurted out, earning an unconvinced look from the both of them.

Enemies to Lovers {Jason X Salim} Where stories live. Discover now