Bonus chapter

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Authors note: first of all, thank you all sooo much for taking the time to read this book, and follow along on this journey! It means so much to me, and I'm so appreciative! Like holy heck! I never expected this book to get so much recognition, and so many comments! You all made this book a joy to write!🥺💜

And just letting you all know, I have started writing a new Jalim (Jason X Salim) book, and it's called "A Fling of Events" and I'll be updating that as often as possible! Check it out on my profile!

"JASON!" I called out, as I held the phone to my ear, and chucked dirty clothes into a basket with my free hand, as I wandered around the house.

"Yeah?" Jason asked, upon entering the living room. He looked a little flustered himself, but now was not the time.

"Can you please get Jamie out of bed and feed him? And Danielle needs her meds." I asked, placing the basket on the nearest reclining chair, as I picked up a couple toys and placed them in the toy box.

"I really gotta finish that paperwork for the office, or I'll get another telling off." Jason explained, but I just shook my head.

Of course he had "paperwork." When did he not?

Ever since we adopted Danielle and Jamie; Jason had been distant and quiet.

Sure, he helped with the kids as much as possible; like helping with dinner and homework, and so on; but I had barely seen him try to have a conversation with the kids.

He didn't want them, but I had forced it on him, and now he was unhappy.

And then there was us.

We barely had time alone together anymore; and when we did try to have a conversation, we'd often bicker. He'd also often come to bed long after I had bid my goodnight, and would stick to himself.

"Sweetheart, I know work is stressing you out, but I was up all night looking after Jamie because he had nightmares; and now I'm having to call the school because Jamie's sick, but I've been put on hold for the last twenty minutes. Dani needs her meds, and she's not cooperating with me. I have to take Dani to high school; not to mention that I'm trying to clean the house while getting ready for work; and then I'll come home and have to make dinner because you won't get back earlier enough to do it! So please, Jason, can you feed, Jamie?" I asked, to which Jason looked a little stumped, but nodded his head.

"Sure, I'll do that." he said, with a small smile. I mouthed "thank you," as someone finally took me off hold.


"Rise and shine, bud." I said, opening up the bedroom curtain, so that I could see the boy better.

He was definitely ill. Pale, clammy skin, and glassy eyes. Not to mention the red nose, and constant sniffling.

"I don't feel well." Jamie muttered, grabbing another tissue from the box, as he blew his nose.

I crouched down beside his bed, so that I was at a similar height to him. "C'mon bud, ya' gotta get up and eat. Moping around is only going to make ya' feel worse." I stated, I pressed the back of my hand to his forehead. Definitely a fever.

I pulled back the covers, and picked him up, lifting him onto my hip; then walked to the kitchen, where Danielle was doing her school project.

"Mornin', love!" I greeted, rubbing the top of her head as I passed by.

"Jason, don't. I'm not five anymore. You weren't even around when I was, so just, don't." Danielle said, as she fixed up her hair. I rolled my eyes at the child, but made sure she didn't see it.

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