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It had been two weeks since I received the news of Jason's death, and I had decided to shift to London, to be closer to my family.

I hadn't sold my house in Brighton, and didn't plan to just yet. I just planned on shifting into the little sleep-out building in the back of my son's house. That way, I could be closer to them, and I'd have my own little space.

The last couple weeks had been like stepping on glass. I would bawl my eyes out about Jason, and scream into my pillow; but then I'd remind myself that I knew this was going to happen all along.

All though I had no proof, I could just about guarentee that Jason stormed back into that cave to try and save somebody, and be all heroic. It was such a Jason thing to do.

"Hey dad!" Zain called out, as he entered the bedroom, where I was sitting at the window seat, watching the rain fall.

"I stuck the last of the boxes in my car. I'm pretty much ready whenever you are." Zain explained, and I nodded my head.

It was heartbreaking to leave this place, at least temporarily.

I had dreams of Jason and I, living here, starting a family, and being together.

Why couldn't that have happened?

Zain came to sit on the window seat next to me, "Do you regret it?" Zain asked, curiously.

I raised an eyebrow at my son, snapping out of my trance, "Regret what?"

"Being with, Jason. Falling in love with a Marine. Ya know." Zain pointed out, not meeting my gaze.

I shook my head, "I regret letting him go, but I don't regret falling in love." I explained, watching the water droplets run down the window.

"We can't control what happens. I'll admit, I've never hurt as much as I do right now," I started, "but at least I can say that I loved someone enough to be in pain right now." I explained, letting out a sigh.

"Many people go their entire lives without meeting the one they truly love. I didn't miss my opportunity." I told Zain, giving his shoulder a wee squeeze, as I hopped up, and headed out.

Ten minutes later, I had packed everything I needed into the back of Zain's car.

"I'll just have a quick look around and make sure I have everything!" I told Zain, who hopped in the car to wait.

I knew I had forgot something, but I didn't want Zain to worry.

Walking through the house was somewhat strange. It was dark, cold from the lack of heating, and most of my personal belongings had been shifted into boxes. The only things that remained, was the furniture, and bookshelf filled with books I never got around to reading.

I went to my room, and grabbed a little silver tin from my wardrobe, and opened it up.

Inside was photos of Jason and I, together. We had got them taken on our firsts. Our first date; our first kiss; the first dinner when we announced our relationship to my son and his family.

I grabbed the photos, securing them with a rubber-band, and stuck them in my jacket pocket.

Jason may have been gone, but I wasn't ready to let go just yet.

I left my bedroom, and began walking towards the front door, searching through my many pockets for my house keys.

"You goin' somewhere?"

I stopped in my tracks, and I swear my heart stopped too.

It can't be.

I slowly turned my head, and what I saw, had tears stinging my eyes within seconds.

Enemies to Lovers {Jason X Salim} Where stories live. Discover now