E I G H T - Goodbye

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Authors note: Just in case it's confusing, I'll quickly explain. Josh (Jason's ex) is Sergeant Dinnan. Josh is obviously his first name. Also, boulders, and collapsed pillars, in hopes for safety.

The grenade blew, causing the caves to rumble, as dust and stone flew everywhere.

This was fucking insane!

Nick slid into cover beside me, whilst those ugly bat creatures came flooding in, left, right, and centre.the girl mentioned in the last chapter (Corporal Alis), her first name is Romelda.

There's an epilogue after this!

"GET DOWN!" I shouted, as a grenade flew overhead. Soldiers quickly scurried behind

"Shit." he muttered, clutching at his stomach, which was oozing with blood.

I applied pressure to his wound, trying to stop the bleeding, "Steady breathing." I whispered.

The vampires were far too preoccupied with the noise from the explosion, to notice a group of twenty soldiers, all hiding behind cover.

Of course, there's always one trigger happy lunatic in a friend group, right?

A soldier jumped up, shooting frantically at the creatures, but within seconds, his head had been ripped clean off.

This lead to an uproar of around ten other Soldiers, who began shooting, and trying to defend the Colonel.

"EVERYBODY, RETREAT! RETREAT!" I shouted, as more and more bodies littered the ground, soaking the sand with blood.

"NEGATIVE! REMAIN AS YOU ARE!" Eric shouted back, as I gave the Colonel a stern look.

This whole situation was completely fucking insane.

Just last night, I stumbled into the Colonel's tent, and accidentally found some files about the parasite and what exactly CENTCOM wanted to do with them.

CENTCOM was a sketchy fucking Organisation; that much I already knew...but their plan once they got their hands on one of those creatures.
It made my skin crawl, and a shiver creep up my spine.

"Colonel, these fuckers are everywhere! They're taking us out one by one." I explained.

Eric shook his head, "We stay where we are, fight 'em off, and head into the nest." he replied, popping his head out from behind cover for a few seconds, to shoot at some bat creatures.

"Are you..." Nick started, wincing as pain spread throughout his stomach, "-fucking serious?" he finished, coughing a couple times.

"Dead right I'm serious, Sergeant." Eric explained, rummaging through his pack.

"Sir, pardon my French, but WHAT THE FUCK IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?!" I shouted, as more gunshots echoed throughout the chasm.

"We need to get back to the base in the nest!" Eric responded.

"We were at the nest, and we were ambushed. We got the photos, now let's go!" I said, as I began helping Nick to his feet. Eric grabbed my shoulder, stopping me. "We don't leave until we go back to that nes-" the Colonel was cut off by a bat creature that tackled him to the ground, and pushed him a few metres away.

The creature was on top of Eric, as he battled against it's great size and strength. The creature was letting out ear-piercing screeches, as it desperately tried to dig its teeth into his neck.

"Time to go, Sergeant!" I ordered, as I helped Nick to his feet. I leant his weight against my side, as I pulled him towards the entrance to the chasm, but then Eric screamed out for help.

Enemies to Lovers {Jason X Salim} Where stories live. Discover now