Night Over

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Disclaimer: this is a lemon chapter, if you don't like lemons just skip it. But if you do like lemons have fun reading because I had fun writing this. Tell me what you think. :3

"You've been proving that you can handle yourselves in every mission Batman gives you and although it took longer than expected, the mission was a success and you've all seem to improve on your team work." Black canary stood in front of the younger heroes, hands on her hips, and debriefed the success of the mission to them.

"Duh! What more did you expect from us?" Kid Flash boasted, flexing his arm in triumph.

Black canary sent him a scolding look, "Don't get ahead of yourself, although it was a success and your team work has improved you all still need to work on it, especially you, Robin." She turned her attention to the youngest out of the team, even though he had gotten better with his team work he still had a long ways to go before he could consider himself 'team leader' worthy.

After all; he was still the boy wonder, partner to Batman, and that should be enough to go by about his team work skills. "Yeah, I know, but I'm working on it. Besides, as long as I keep getting Kid Mouth as my partner there shouldn't be any problems, right KF?"

Wally's grin inflated, "Right!" he backed up, putting an arm around the ebony's shoulders and grinning.

"But it would be best to grow the same connection as you have with Wally with the rest of your team." Red Tornado stepped in, his voice just as rigid and impassive as always.

Like hell! Wally thought angrily and filled with jealousy at the mere thought of anyone else on the team being as close to Robin as he was. But he decided to not voice himself out; he'd have to hold back, yet again. When it came to Robin it seemed that he was holding back a lot, his inner voice, long hugs and touches. Ever since they started to get older Wally was having more trouble from blurting out things that should never be said to a best friend and he had to hold himself back from groping and touching him in all the wrong places.

"I'll get around to it, no rush, right?" the boy wonder responded aimlessly, not really caring about working on his team work with anyone besides his best friend.

"The sooner, the better." Black canary replied, her voice almost stone cold.

And with a look and nod to red tornado and Batman they had concluded their debriefing. "You can all go now." Batman informed, "Robin lets go."

Said boy wonder took a quick glance at his best friend and then back at his mentor, Batman had already began to start walking to the Batplane so he had to jog over to his mentor. "Actually err… I was actually wondering if I could sleep over at Wally's place?"

Even though Batman wore a mask over his face in wasn't heard for Robin to see him raise his eyebrows, Robin smiled innocently. That's were Wally decided to jump in, "Yeah, it'll be fun! Were just gonna play video games and watch horror movies… Maybe prank phone call a few people, you know, a real guy-to-guy night." Wally tried to convince a skeptical looking Batman.

It wasn't surprising that Batman didn't seem to be thrilled with the idea of his prodigy-and son-spending a night away from him. Batman's lack of vocals gave the boys the full idea that he still wasn't sure what to answer. "Come on! We'll be okay, if anything bad happens we'll have Flash with us, just say yes!" Robin egged on, giving a look to Wally that clearly read 'be ready to run,' just in case.

"Okay, but if anything happens tell me." Batman finally said with a sigh, no matter what his answer, if there wasn't any mission the duo had, he would have went anyway. Batman knew his prodigy well enough to know that much.

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