He Who Cheats When Play, He Will Cheat You Anyway

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The team knows that Kid Flash and Robin are dating. So when Wally announced he was going on a date (Robin had gone back to Gotham for a bit), they decided to spy on him. They find Wally on a date with Dick Grayson (not knowing that it is actually Robin) and they are horrified to find him 'cheating' on Robin. So, the team decides to confront Wally during his date.

"All right, how do I look?" Kid Flash asked as the speedster entered the kitchen, spinning quickly around in one place, before stopping; his hands drawn from his body in a typical 'look-at-me' pose. Needless to say, it hadn't been hard for him to gain his teammates' attention. All four that were present glanced up from whatever they'd been doing, scanning him with various expressions.

Superboy, as usual, didn't look impressed at all. In fact, he just looked puzzled, with a somewhat of a raised eyebrow. Aqualad had merely blinked, while Miss Martian instantly lit up and flew over to him, circling him as she floated right above ground. Artemis only snorted half-heartedly, murmuring something about 'cocky idiots', before turning back to whatever she was doing with her arrows on the kitchen table.

"Wow, Wally, you look amazing!" complimented M'gann with a bright smile. She clapped her hands together in glee. "So handsome!"

And it was true. The redhead had chosen to wear a white shirt, a crimson hoodie he'd left open, complete with dark jeans and yellow sneakers. It didn't sound like much, but the colours complimented the speedster's hair and eyes, as well as the fact that the jeans emphasized his lean, muscular legs. Overall, Wally looked charming and handsome, much to Artemis's silent grudge and M'gann's utter excitement.

Just because the Martian didn't like him in a romantic way didn't mean she wasn't happy with the view. Besides, she knew of a certain little hacker who would be more than pleased to see his boyfriend in such fine attire.

"Are you going somewhere special?" asked Kaldur as he glanced up from the book he'd been reading.

"Well, yeah. You didn't think I dressed like this because of you guys? Well, maybe for Beautiful over here, I would; if she asked nicely," Wally answered with an arrogant shrug of his shoulders and a grin that Artemis always had the urge to wipe off his face. The speedster quickly glanced down at his wristwatch, before he added: "Wooops! Looks like I gotta run! Wouldn't be late for my own date! See you guys!"

And like that, he was gone. M'gann was left blinking at the spot he'd just stood, before she shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. One just got used to how fast that boy moved. After all, they had been teammates for one and a half year now. So with a smile, the Martian turned around and returned to baking the blueberry pie she'd been dying to try out.

"Cocky dork," murmured Artemis as she looked over the arrows. "I think he has some serious head-in-the-clouds issues."

Aqualad rolled his eyes, though with a fond tug of his lips. If there was one thing that would never change it was the relationship between their archer and speedster. It was doomed to end in disaster sooner or later, but for the time being he accepted their constant bickering.

"Wait…" Superboy spoke up, gaining all attention from the other members of the Team. "… did he say he was going on a date?"

"Well, I think so. He spoke rather fast, but I am sure that was what he said, yes," Aqualad replied, frowning. "Why?"

"I thought Robin was patrolling with Batman tonight."

Three sets of eyes widened and M'gann gasped, her hand drawn up to cover her mouth. Artemis and Kaldur exchanged looks, neither liking what Superboy was now implying and what was, most likely, the truth. For a moment it was like they had a silent debate, which would have been possible if not for the shock their Martian teammate seemed to have entered. It wasn't that surprising either. Overall, M'gann had been the most supporting when it came to Kid Flash and Robin's relationship.

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