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Wally.....let go of the tree."

"No way!"


"No. You'd have to cut off my arms, before I even consider letting go of this tree!"

"This is crazy! Stop acting like a child."

"I am not! I am being perfectly reasonable here,"

"You're 17 and hugging a tree like your life is depending on it." Dick pointed out, the sarcasm heavily lacing his tone.

"So? There's no law that says I can't!" Wally defends himself with a scowl.

And Dick sighs, as he feels an oncoming headache, and the frustration slowly begin to increase with each and every second.

"You have no reason to be scared of heights Wally...."

"Yes I do! What if I fall?"

"You have wings to stop that from happening"

"And what if I forget how to fly?"

"That's highly impossible you idiot. Your natural instinct is to fly."

"Uhuh, you gonna repeat that when I fall and die too? And I'm not scared of heights. I'm just scared of flying over places where I can't land because I'm over 100ft up in the air. It's terrifying."



"I'm not gonna let you fall."


"Don't you trust me?"

"Of course I do! It's just-"

"How much do you trust me Wals?"

"I...with my life."

"Then trust me now. I won't let you fall Wally."

"Y-you, you promise?"

"Yes Wally; I'll even cross my heart and hope to die."


Wally's almost delicate-looking long fingers slip from the rough bark of the tree, the creamy skin smudged with dirt.

Dick watches as the redhead slowly removes his legs from the tree, his tunic revealing freckled thighs that Dick's eyes linger on, while the skin is still bared. He sees the rise of golden-tipped white wings flutter against Wally's back, lifting him off the tree branch, and away from the dark tree bark with light stains on his tunic.

Dick marvels slightly at how beautiful the wings look like, when in motion.

Wally is still looking unsure when he manages to fly himself over to Dick, wings beating lightly, as they stood midair, 2 feet over the ground.

Dick smiles softly, almost reassuringly. "It's okay Wals. I'm here..."

"That's what scares me even more~" Wally grumbles childishly, red hairs falling over his eyes, masking the insecurity which his green eyes couldn't hide so easily.

Dick raises an eyebrow, before smirking mischievously.

"Oh really?"

" Not really. But-you're a risk-taker Dick, and you're used to flying off the highlands, and into the sky. While me? I spent most of it locked up with a father who didn't even want me, but kept me prisoner and afraid of everything to do with my heritage. And well, it's reallyterrifying beyond words..." Wally admits, the forest-green irises turning glassy-looking, while his shoulders hunched up, and wings, while beating, began to curl around him instinctively.

Dick's wings spread wider, looking more fierce and intimidating than they had earlier. The ruffling of his wings, made them seem poofier and larger than usual. He forced his back straight up, before moving himself closer to Wally, allowing the tip of their wings to touch each other in a comforting and reassuring manner.

"But, you're not locked up anymore. You're free Wally! And as a free Avian, you should be allowed to roam the lands like your wings wish they could. And your father'sgone Wally. It's only me, and you. And you know me Wally, I'd die before I hurt you." He tells Wally gently, his hand placed on Wally's shoulder as a desire to wash away all the bad memories of Wally's past.

"I-I's just. It's just hard to get used to the fact that I won't be hurt for being,"

Dick smiles softly, his larger wings wrapping around Wally's in light embrace, whilst his arms moved to wrap around Wally's shoulders.

He winced, when he remembered how small Wally's wings were when they'd first met. Wally's wings would never grow to be like how Dick's were now, and instead would remain forever smaller than Dick's.

"They're beautiful, you know~"

"What are?"

"Your wings Dick."

"They're really not..." and Dick chokes on the word, lips refusing to utter it, as his wings began to flap nervously

"But, they are. You could tell me a 100 reasons why not, but to me.......they're beautiful Dick."

A flush of pink blooms on Dick's cheeks, making him look even younger than his 15 years. "You thinkeverything's beautiful."

Wally chuckled, before replying flirtatiously "Only when it comes to you Dick~ now......didn't you say we were going for a flight?"

Dick's blue eyes twinkled.

"Yeah I did, grab my hand Wals; I promise you won't fall."

And when the creamy long fingers wrapped around Dick's soft pale hand, Dick smiled

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