Chapter 57: A Distracted Mind

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After a day of not being in classes, Molly returned to campus. The day's hours lasted too long; she had no clue as to how she would get through the week feeling as dreadful as she did. She made it to her last class though; all she had to do was get through it.

Instead of taking her usual seat as she walked in, she approached her friend who was sitting in his usual spot in the back.

"Hey," she started in a passive tone.

Charlie looked up from his phone and raised his eyebrows. "Hey, how are you?"

Liz shared the news with him yesterday. Molly didn't know.

She smiled with only her lips and nodded her head. "Wasn't feeling myself yesterday. Could I borrow your notes?"

"Yeah," he answered confused. "You alright though? Liz told me what happened with your brother and that it hit you hard. Obviously..."

Molly smiled and averted her eyes that had instantly watered. "I'm fine. I just need the notes please," she practically whispered.

"Yeah," Charlie stuttered, feeling unsure as to how to react. "You got them. I'll print them after class."

She declined his considerate offer with a shake of her head. "You can just send them to me. I'll print them at home. I'm leaving as soon as class is over."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Okay. I'll send them to you then."

"Thank you," she answered softly.

About to return to the front of the room to take her seat, she froze in hesitation. Her normal spot was too exposing, and she wanted to be close to invisible. She looked at the seat next to him as though she were studying it.

"Back here today?" he asked, surprised to see her suddenly taking the seat beside him.

She nodded and brushed her hair behind her ear.

Charlie watched their professor walk into the room, but then casually stole a glimpse of Molly. She didn't seem to notice though, nor did she seem to realize the next several times the habit repeated itself throughout the next hour and a half.

The week was a drag. Molly could not focus on school in the beginning but then, suddenly, when she thought she couldn't bear it any longer, she found herself burying herself in her studies. There was a break once a day when she spoke to her mother, but she was right back in her notes again as soon as she was off the phone.

There was no time for her to think. No time to realize how defeated she felt. No time to focus on the aching she was feeling. No time to replay any memories.

With part of her mind absent, she forgot to eat most of the day. Nick had invited her for dinner every night, but she declined each time. He would bring a plate over for her though. He'd then try and speak to her, but she'd tell him that she really had to continue studying. To this, he'd frown and nod. He'd tell her that he loved her and tell her to let him know when she needed him. When he'd barely get a response, he would leave to give the space she was asking for.

They fell into this routine all week until Friday night.

Nick walked into her room as he did the days before and told her that there was dinner for her on the kitchen table.

"Thanks, hon," she said but didn't look up from her notes.

He walked further in and sat on her bed. When she didn't move, he figured she didn't even realize he was still there. "Molly?"

She jumped up a little, startled, but barely turned around. "Yeah?"

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Just got a lot of studying to do," she said with a smile she didn't even realize was fake.

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