Chapter 58: Getting Better

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A/N: Hey guys, thanks for your patience! 

Editing sometimes takes me a while... I could have a chapter complete, but then I'll decide I don't like it, and I'll write something else.  But you want to know what the funniest part is? I usually come back to the original... 



Nick stretched his arms and looked over at Molly. Her eyes were still peacefully closed. Her pony was loose and a few strands of hair fell over her cheek. She looked beautiful.

He kissed her forehead, and as if on cue, she began waking up. Under the blanket, she stretched her left leg over him. His hand came to rub it.

"Did I wake you?" he whispered.

She scooted over to him and laid her head on his arm. "Good morning," she said and pecked a kiss on him.

He pulled her pony loose. "Good morning, lovely."

"What time is it?"

"After nine." He twirled her hair. "What would you like for breakfast?"


"No, I mean as in food. What do you want to eat? Not drink."

She shrugged her shoulder. "I don't know."

"Well, think about it because you're not getting out of eating it like you did last night."

She rolled out of bed and pulled her nightshirt down so that it covered her upper thighs. "I'm going to shower. That alright?"

He answered her with a nod. "You got to stop asking me, Molsie."

"Okay, hon," she said with a yawn and disappeared behind the bathroom door.

"Wait, what do you want to eat?"

She stuck her head back out the door only to shrug her shoulder again.

As soon as the water turned on, Nick pulled back the covers and headed for the kitchen.

In the hallway, he heard a loud bang. Downstairs, he found Sammy beginning to clean up a mess. She jumped when she saw him.

"It slipped out of my hands," Sammy explained as she moved the sponge across the floor to clean up the bowl of cereal that had dropped.

"It's okay," Nick answered and got the mop to properly prevent a sticky mess. "Is Dan still home?"

"No. He left to, um, work already."

"Alright, pour yourself another bowl, sweetie."

"Can I eat while watching cartoons?"

He nodded his head.

"Yes," she excitedly expressed. She poured herself another bowl and disappeared to the living room.

Nick made himself a cup of coffee and started preparing something for Molly.

In the shower, the steaming water pounded against her bare shoulders as her mind relived the early hours of the morning. Her thoughts floated with ease. But then, spontaneously, driven by guilt, her mind became contaminated with the week's events. She felt heavy again.

She stepped onto the mat dripping, looking for her towel. It was not on the door as it had been last weekend. The only one there belonged to Nick.

She called his name but got no response. Without another option, she reached for his gray towel and wrapped herself in it.

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