Chapter 64: It'll Be Okay

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Molly turned around to see Charlie catching up to her. "When has Molly stopped being my name?"

"How are you?"

"Fine. You?"

"Good. Where are you headed?"

"Campus library."

"I think I'll join you."

"Williams is going to join West to the library. Whatever calls for such an occurrence?" She raised an eyebrow. "We have no assignment to turn in. So, what is this honor, Charlie?"

He laughed. "Just want to hang out with a friend."

"A friend who didn't study at all this weekend and will be buried in her notes until class."

"You didn't study at all this weekend? Impossible."


"No kidding."

She started up the stairs. He followed.

"Well? What was the occasion for a free weekend?"

She stopped at the doors instead of entering the building. "I needed a break from everything."

"Well, yeah, I get that. Having your nose in notes all the time gets tiresome. Sometimes I lie awake at night wondering if Molly West is at all human."

"You're such a jerk."

"You know, I've been getting that more and more often. You think I should be concerned?"

She smiled, but her mind was elsewhere.

"Well, did you enjoy yourself?"

She looked at him. "No."


Not noticing the changed expression on her face, he asked, "Why the hell not? Didn't know what to do with yourself?"

"It was a rough weekend."

He frowned. "Why?"


"Come on, tell me."

She looked back at him. "I don't want to get into right now."

"Relationship issues?"

She furrowed her eyebrows. "No," she paused, "I needed to go visit my brother."

"Oh. How's he doing?"

She smiled, but her nose flared. "I told you I didn't want to talk about it," she whispered.

"I'm sorry... I just..."

She walked back down the stairs and started toward the empty courtyard on the side of the library. Charlie hesitantly followed.

"Do you want to talk about something else?"

She didn't answer.

"You need a hug?"

She frowned.

"Come," he said and wrapped his arms around her.

She stood frozen for a minute, controlling her emotions.

He began rubbing her back, but she pulled away.


She bit her trembling lip.

"You want to sit?"

She shook her head but then sat down on the bench anyway.

"Here." He took a tissue out of his pocket.

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