Ch 1. Vandal

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Content Warning: Violence, mentions of blood, Swearing

"Hey, Kid! What are you doing!? You can't be here!" Shouts the security guard I was trying my best to avoid. I pull my mask up over my nose and pull my hood on and turn around hoping they didn't recognize me.

"Hey, Guys just a sec I'm almost done here just giving the Limo a tune-up." I shove my backpack into the Limo and slam the door watching it lock. As I look up I can see the security guards rushing over to try and apprehend me again. Looks like Carl got faster, and Steve's already got his taser leveled at my chest. Guess I have been giving them a rough couple of weeks.

"Stop, right there kid. Put your hands up and get on your knees or you're getting tased!" Steve barks. Carl is already closer than I would like, so I guess it's time to go. I put my hands up and start to kneel before making a break for it. I get about thirty feet before I feel the hard clunk make contact with my upper back and shoot electricity through me. Not going to lie, I didn't really think Steve was gonna shoot me in the back.

My muscles seize up almost instantly and I freeze which gives Carl's fatass ample time to body check me into the cold morning concrete. I can feel Carl's knee planted between my shoulder blades as I struggle to regain my composure from getting tased. It's not long after that, that I feel the blood enter my eye from the gash on my head that my scuffle with the concrete earned me.

"Got you, you little shit." Carl wheezes out "Let's figure out who our little Vandal is." Steve says with a dark tone as he cranks the dart in my back to a higher charge.

I let out a pained groan as I feel the electricity surge through me, fighting it as best I can I manage to press the dart against Carl's knee and dislodge it, definitely tearing flesh as it comes out. I breathe out a sigh of relief regaining some function in my body. Carl's fat fingers yank my hood off harshly splattering blood on the concrete from my head wound. His ugly hand starts reaching for my sunglasses and I can't have that happening. I pull the lighter out of my pocket and light the flame and shove it into the exposed flesh on the back of Carl's arm.

"Fuck! You little, Bastard!!" Carl screams as he recoils from the hot flame.

I take my chance to throw Carl off balance and start to book it out of the lot. When Steve takes the chance to crack me across the jaw shattering my glasses and staggering me pretty bad. Steve goes in for another punch but I weave under the hit and slip past him and start climbing over the fence. I almost got my leg over the top of the fence when Carl leaped up and grabbed my ankle knocking me off balance and causing me to topple over the fence wrenching my ankle out of his grip but landing flat on my head from an eight-foot fall and crack my head on the concrete once again.

I spit out a mouthful of blood onto the parched concrete from my busted lips and pick myself up before they can get over the fence. Finally free enough to make a run for it. I leap up, on the dumpster and jump up to the fire escape above, and muscle my way up to the top of the platform before leaping over a short wall into another alleyway. It doesn't take long before I've lost the guards when I start to climb up to the roof of one of the nearby buildings when I'm yanked up violently by a hand that wraps around my collar from above, holding me on the edge of the building, I'm barely able to touch the ground with my tippy toes when I look at my attacker through the blood in my eyes seeing a familiar pure bright white head of hair.

"Good Morning, Milo. I trust you've not been causing any trouble this morning?" Says the familiar tall white-haired boy.

I give the white-haired boy a bloody guilty smile. "Would you believe me, if I said that I was doing community service?"I said as blood oozes from my forehead down my cheek. The white-haired boy regards me for a second before pulling me closer to inspect my injuries.

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