Ch 34. Rhythm of the Reaper

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~The Impure King~

The Descent has begun. It's only a matter of time now before my men find what it is I'm searching for. With the Gateway removed, nothing can impede the work. Giving me ample time to repair the Darklight from the damage incurred during the battle with young Killian. Such an exquisite specimen. I underestimated his raw power. Most curiously, I wonder what it is that caused his Abyss Form to manifest.

It was marvelous to witness an Abyss Form in person. I'm unconvinced that Zelan tapped into his. Perhaps it was partial transformation, no matter.  It's a shame that Kil is likely in a coma. At best, his recovery from such an exertion should take four to six months. Now there are only three of the boys to concern myself with. Exodus, Milo, and Genesis. If Milo repairs Exodus's mind, the two of them would ordinarily cause interruptions to the work. 

However, considering Luci's death at Exodus's hand, that trauma won't be something he gets over so easily. As for Genesis, he's occupied healing Amelia. A fool's errand, but a noble undertaking. Even if they do rally together, I've taken the necessary means to prevent them from interfering with the work. The defenses across Morenhill were already in place. Now with the full might of NAID and the additional arrival of the fruits of the research, they will need far more power than they have.

The doorway into the laboratory opens, revealing the Luminos Device mounted on the ceiling. With a pneumatic hiss and mechanical clicks, I pull the Darklight free, placing it on the pedestal below the Luminos Device. The massive eldritch relic is the key to repairing and maintaining the other relics I've acquired during the delving to the Gateway. They have properly set the runes for the ritual around the machine upon my request. 

I initiate the device and watch as the white light streams down from the apparatus in the ceiling into the pedestal reconstructing the Darklight's torn eye. My communicator chirps on my wrist and I activate it as I begin replacing my equipment and repairing the tendril that Zelan destroyed. The voice of the Intelligence Director fills the laboratory from the communicator. "My lord, I apologize for the interruption but we've detected something on satellite you may want to be made aware of."

"Go ahead, Director." I say assembling the coupling around the tendril. 

"We detected a cosmic surge of Chaotic Energy that is heading North East from Legionnaire Tower in New York." I still a moment. Genesis? No, he wouldn't leave Amelia's bedside. Perhaps Kain?

"Broadcast the live feed." The communicator blinks a moment as the Director complies and a holographic screen appears above the communicator showing the satellite feed. A black blur shoots out from the Tower and screams through the air at astonishing speed.

"It's just gone, supersonic sir." The black streak flares and screams through the air. That power rating, it's even higher than the storm Kil produced. Has their father finally made his appearance?

"Raise the Isometric Sheild, trigger the alert, and ready all defenses. We may be receiving a visit from the Dark One."

"At once sir." I begin removing equipment and replacing it with the battle variant. Locking in the relics needed for a head-to-head battle with a cosmic being of Kain's level. It's good that I've begun the repairs of the Darklight when I did.

"Sir, it's just gone Hypersonic." The streak flares blasting windows out behind it. "Less than three minutes until arrival!"

"Is the Isometric Sheild engaged?"

"Yes sir!" 

"Ready five Jackalites for deployment." Something doesn't feel right, Kain wouldn't be this showy he knows we would have defenses. No this isn't Kain, this is someone else.  "Scramble the Jets I want hypersonic fighters to intercept. I want a visual on the target."

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