Ch 11. Rough Housing

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Neil's Notes: Heyo! Hope you are ready for a brutal epic Chapter. I had a lot of fun writing this one. Lots of really cool moments. I'm really excited to share this chapter with you all. Don't forget to follow the series, vote, and comment it would mean a lot! With that all out of the way I present Chapter 10  Manifest Destiny.

Content Warning: Drug and Alchohol Use, Language, Extreme Violence


"You're both grounded." I say to the twins watching the lump in their throats fade when my words strike the pair. Everyone visibly relaxes when I pull the two of them into a hug. "Your both idiots, but I'm glad you're safe now." The pair begin to tear up in the embrace. "Do you understand now why I tell you not to follow me?" I feel them nod into my shoulders while the pair continue to tear up mumbling out how scared they were.

Luci finally pipes up "Right, glad you're handling the emoting part. Anyways ditto to what Exodus said. Two things, no wait three. First, care to explain the giant blackhole bomb thing you just did? Second, Nellis remove anything you've put in or on Vee and my phone, or I'll kill you. Finally, What the actual fuck was the horde about, you said there would be twenty-five to thirty, not twenty-five hundred. Not that it mattered we whooped ass but still. You were about to say something but then tweedle dee and tweedle dum decided to be bat food." Finishing his questions he pulls a blunt from his coat and lights up taking a swig from his flask.

The twins pull away from our embrace calmed enough to nod in agreement with Luci's questions. I can't tell them the truth. I can't tell them what's coming. I don't want them to be scared. Before I open my mouth to start Luci points at me. "Nuh-uh, don't even think about it you lying sack of shit. Out with it, I know when your lying. Once again just so you remember we have the same ticks dumbass."

Damn. He really does know me. Can't even start to think to lie with Luci around. "Fine, you got me. I don't have confirmation on this I'll need to go home to prove it but after the last three days, I can say with almost full certainty that the seals are being broken. And if they are it's a safe bet to assume that in ten days I'll probably be killed." I say looking up at the starry sky above as the words leave my mouth.

"What." Luci says with muted rage.

I stare up at the stars preparing myself to tell them and build the courage to do what I have to do to protect them. "The creature that killed my mother. It's coming back to kill me. The Foul Thing. It returns to Morenhill seeking to release hordes of its ilk every few decades. Each time it returns 13 seals mark its arrival, each seal being the emergence of one of its children. NAID killed the first Seal at the quarry, Luci killed the second yesterday and we just killed the third. When the 13th Seal is birthed the Foul Thing will return. When it does it will seek me out and try to kill me. Because you cannot escape the Foul Thing twice. When it arrives I intend to kill it myself which in all likely hood will also be the cause of my death. It's unlikely that I'd be able to endure the seals and defeat the Foul Thing. Regardless I promised myself that I would kill the monster that took my mother, no matter the cost."

"When the Foul Thing returns all of you are going to stay home and protect Mom, Angela, and the other boys. I won't let you fight the Foul Thing because if I fail, it would only mean that all of you would be wiped out when it returns. I'm the only one capable of taking on the Foul Thing and standing a chance at beating it. Even if you were there to help me you wouldn't even be able to scratch the Foul Thing. So to put it very clearly I will not allow any of you to fight the Foul Thing and the Thirteenth Seal. "

Luci walks up to me punching me in the face, I have to turn my head to stop him from breaking his wrist. I feel the bones in his knuckles crunch against my face feeling them spilt on contact with me. "FUCK!" He shouts. "I'm not going to let you die fighting some monster baby momma. I'm helping you and you can't stop me." Both of the twins back Luci up.

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