Ch. 25 The Omni-Mind

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Neil's Notes: Heyo! Enjoy this chapter! It's a fun one! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow Son's of Morenhill! I really hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I did! 

Character Roster:

Exodus Whitestone- The Eldest ~AWOL~

Age: 19

Powers: Perpetual Evolution, Stockpile Scars - The Titan Killer

Fun Fact: Exodus hates anyone with blue hair with a burning passion, it's practically throwing hands-on sight. The reason behind why he does this has never been fully articulated. The boys have held him back repeatedly when a blue-haired individual gets lippy. Exodus has thrown more than one through a window.

Luci Whitestone- The Second Son

Age: 18

Powers: Jack of All Trades- The Bad Boy

Fun Fact: Luci's lifetime blackjack earnings are 15,436 $, 2 bags of skittles, and four pairs of panties.

Nellis Whitestone- The Third Son- Twin 1 of 2

Age: 17

Powers: Omni-Mechanic- The Smart One

Fun Fact: Nellis has set the record for multiple escape rooms.

Astra Whitestone- The Fourth Son- Twin 2 of 2

Age: 17

Powers: Battlefield Manipulation, Divine Strike, Stockpile Scars - The Normal One

Fun Fact: Astra has a tacit fascination with fashion that he rarely shows off because of the teasing he received when he first expressed the interest.

Zelan- The Fifth Son

Age: 16

Powers: The Phoenix Source- The Nice One

Fun Fact: Zelan believes he's seen Big Foot while he was on a hike.

Kil- The Sixth Son

Age: 15

Power: Destructive Force- The Gifted One

Fun Fact: Kil has smoked a cigarette with Luci despite Luci's protest, Luci has an extreme dislike for cigarettes but if one of the boys is going to smoke it's going to be with him first. Kil isn't sure how he felt about it he's more inclined to smoke a cigar after hearing Luci talk about the differences for an hour.

Genesis- The Seventh Son

Age: 13

Power: Unknown - The Odd One

Fun Fact: Genesis is a master at making paper airplanes and origami.

Milo Mathers- The Unofficial Eighth Son

Age: 16

Power: Omni-Pshyker - The Troubled One

Fun Fact: Milo had a bad habit of sucking on batteries as a kid for the funny feeling it gave him.

Natasha Blackstone- Hero Rank #3


Power: Super Strength, Healing, [Data Redacted] - Ultramaria

Fun Fact: Natasha took the jaw off a perp with a single punch after he called her a witch. She was 9 at the time and with her father.

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