Chapter 3

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Sam and Dean arrive to Ohio, they go to your old home. There wasn't much, your home bursted into flames after your family was killed.

Cop: Woah, no reporters.
Dean and Sam pull out their "FBI" badges and they show them to the cop.

Dean: Agent Hendrix. this is my partner Agent Garcia.
Sam: We just have a couple of questions.
Cop: Shoot agents.
Sam: Was (Your family's last name) very secretive?
Cop: No. They were the nicest people in town. They volunteered at the soup kitchen, the church, you name it.
Dean: Did they have any children?
Cop: Yeah. One son and one daughter. Kendall was the oldest sibling and he died the same night Y/n parents died and when she went missing.
Sam: What about their daughter?
Cop: Y/n. She was the most caring little girl. She could always sense when someone was upset or if someone was going to do something bad, she talk them out of it.
Dean: Wow, brave kid.
Cop: She was also very protective of her family. She didn't like it when someone was rude to her family.
Sam: Was there anyone who didn't like the family?
Cop: Well Ms. Rogers didn't like y/n'a family. she wanted a child, but her husband didn't want one and she saw how happy y/n's family was and she didn't like it.
Dean: What happened to Ms. Roger's husband?
Cop: He left town and never came back.
Sam: Thank you for your time officer.
Cop then leaves, Sam and Dean then walk to the impala.
Sam: You think it's a witch?
Dean: Maybe.
Sam: Now, let's go pay Ms. Roger a visit.

Sam and Dean drive to Ms. Roger's house. They arrive and they go see her.

Ms. Roger: Yes?
Dean: Agent Hendrix, Agent Garcia. may we come in?
Ms. Roger: Of course.
Dean and Sam sit across from Ms. Roger in the living room.
Sam: Ms. Roger do you know what happened the night that (your parents' names) died?
Ms. Roger: My husband and I heard screaming and crying. We saw y/n looking at her home that was on fire. She was yelling for her parents and brother.
Dean: She was also kidnapped the same night. Do you know anyone who would kidnap y/n?

You heard Sam and Dean. You then began making noise so they could free you. You rattled the chains and you kicked the wall.
Sam: What's that sound?
Ms. Roger: Must be the dog.
You then suck in some air. You were going to yell at the top of your lungs.

Sam and Dean look at Ms. Roger.
Ms. Roger: My show. this girl gets kidnapped.
Sam: Well thank you for your time.
Dean and Sam leave the house, Dean then goes around back and he looks into the back window.
Dean: Sam.
Sam follows and then they see you. You were beaten up pretty badly. You were covered in cuts, bruises, and blood.

Ms.Roger goes to see you and she is mad.
Ms. Roger: You little brat!
You: You gonna hit me again? I know I'll be out of here soon and soon you'll be dead. I'll make sure to burn your dead body.
Ms. Roger then punches you in the stomach.
You then teach for Ms. Roger's throat and she pushes you into the wall again.

Dean: this bitch is going to pay for hurting that little girl.

Sam and Dean then head to the impala and they drive to the motel.

They arrive to the motel, trying to figure out the plan to kill Ms.Roger and how to save you.

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