Chapter Three

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Jeff's POV

I run into the bedroom to find a sleeping Gabe on the bed. I try my hardest not to wake him, but my plan fails when he awakes to the sound of my suitcase unzipping. I turn my head slightly towards him and see his eyes narrow at me. The mellow exterior has been replaced by anger, causing his face to turn beet red. I bite my lip as I slowly walk back towards the door. I feel like I'm in the clear, until he spots my swim trunks in my hand.

"What are you doing, Jeff?" Gabe asks aggrevated as he nods his head towards the trunks.

"I'm going for a swim. Go ahead and sleep," I reply, quickly opening the bedroom door and closing it, avoiding any more questions from him.

I rush into the bathroom and take off all my clothes. I pull up my trunks and grab a towel. When I walk outside onto the dock on the lake, I don't see Meghan anywhere. So, I decide to sit on the edge of the dock and dangle my feet in the water. I get lost in my own little world until the sound of footsteps on the dock release me from my daze. I turn around to see Meghan walking towards me. A towel is wrapped around her tiny frame. Her curly, blond locks have been pulled back into a ponytail. A smile spreads across her face, causing me to smile back. She looked breathtaking.

I know I shouldn't be saying this, considering I had just met her, but I think I'm starting to fall for her. I mean, how could I not? She's gorgeous. The way her blond hair frames her face, how her blue eyes stare right through me. And I can't help but notice a dimple on her cheek when she smiles.

"Hey," she says with a smile as she sits down on the dock next to me.

"Hey," I reply, smiling back at her. If only she knew how she made me feel.

"Do you want to dive in?" she asks as she winks at me.

She stands up from the dock and removes her towel, reveling a white bikini with red polka dots. I quickly look away from her, hoping she didn't catch me staring. How awkward that would have been. I hear her giggle and I slowly lift my head to look up at her.

"Let's do it together," she says with a smile, the one I'm slowly falling for, holding out her hand as if she wants me to grab it.

I take hold of her hand and push myself up off the dock. She leads me towards the beginning of the dock, then stops to look at me. She smiles at me once again and she begins to run towards the water, dragging me along with her. Before I know it, both her and I are flying into the air and soon landing in a body of ice, cold water.


Meghan's POV

As our bodies are floating together in the ice water, I can't help but think about this whole situation. Gabe and I had never done anything like this before. Because, lets face it, Gabe is the mature one in our friendship, and I'm the immature freak. Sure, Gabe has his moments, but they are soon replaced by his serious exterior. With Jeff, I feel like I can be myself.  The way that we just jumped into the water laughing like idiots. Soon Jeff pulls my head above the water and our eyes meet. His laugh echoes throughout the mountain valley and his smile appears on his face, revealing his deep dimples that are so captivating.

"That was so much fun!" Jeff exclaims.

"It was, wasn't it?" I ask with a giggle.

After Jeff and I go for our little swim, which mostly includes splashing each other, we sit on the dock and dangle our feet in the water. We've talked about everything. Our interests, where we grew up, our families, and pretty much everything else.

"I know this may seem a little awkward, especially since we've just met. But I can't believe Gabe hasn't made his move on you. I mean, you're gorgeous." Jeff says. "Do you like him?"

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