Chapter Eight

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Gabe's POV

I sit on the couch alone, watching a TV show I have zero interest in. All I can think about is how Meghan's date with Jeff is going. I know it isn't my place, but I sure hope he isn't pulling anything on her. Not that I think Jeff would, but sometimes hormones get the best of us. Besides, Meghan isn't that type of girl to pull anything more than a kiss on the first date. At least I hope she isn't. 

Snap out of it, Gabe. She'll be fine.

My thoughts are snapped as I hear the front door open, and soon I see both Meghan and Jeff walk in- holding hands and laughing in harmony.

"You two are back early." I say as I switch the channel on the TV.  "Did you have fun?"

"It was a blast." Meghan replies as she slowly lets go of Jeff's hand and sits down next to me on the couch.

"What did you two do?" I ask as I turn off the TV.

"We played hockey," she replies with a smile spread across her face.

My eyebrow raises and I show a look of confusion. "Hockey?"

"Yeah, you know," she starts. "That game you play on ice with sticks and pucks."

"You know what I meant." I reply as I roll my eyes. "You haven't played in a long time."

"Two years," she mumbles, slowly looking away from me, redirecting her attention towards Jeff.

"Hey, let's watch a movie!" Jeff exclaims as he rushes over towards the TV.

"No Disney." I growl, only to see Jeff frowning.


After we all watch a couple movies, Jeff calls it a night, leaving Meghan and I alone in the living room. At first, we sit in awkward silence. Soon I find Meghan slowly scooting towards me on the couch, causing me to smile.

"What are you up to, silly girl?" I ask with a smirk as I wrap my arm around her, soon her head rests on my shoulder.

"You know what we should do?" she asks, avoiding my question.

"What's that?"

"We should go for a swim," she replies with a wink.

"I'll go get my suit," I whisper as I make my way down the hallway, being followed by Meghan.

"I'll meet you out there," she whispers before closing her bedroom door to get changed.

I slowly make my way into the bedroom and see that Jeff is nowhere to be found. I hear the shower running, so it's obvious he is in the shower. I grab my swim trunks out of my suitcase and make my way towards the hallway bathroom. Once I'm done, I throw a couple towels over my shoulder and make my way towards the lake.

The moon is shinning bright and crickets are chirpping. It's so peaceful out here. I sit down on the dock and wait for Meghan to come out. I lay down on my back and I count the stars, just like we had done last night on our date. I mumble to myself as I remember each  name.

"There's Harold." I mumble to myself.

"And next to Harold is Shirley," I hear a voice behind me, causing me to jump up.

When I turn to see who it is, I see Meghan giggling at me. A towel wrapped around her small frame and the moon shinning down on her angelic face. She was gorgeous.

"Did I scare you?" Meghan giggles as she sits down next to me.

"You caught me off guard," I reply. "That's all."

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