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Warning: death and suicide read at own risk or feel free to skip this chapter it won't be that important

This is my second book and I'm a terrible writer you have been warned. Good luck and injoy the story

(Y/n) pov:
My eyes flutter open as I try to remember the night before. Where am I? I questioned as I slowly rose from the couch I was laying on.

Oh right I say while looking at the red metal door torwds the front of the room.

I threw myself back down on the couch with a sigh as I thought to myself.

It had only been a few weeks since the caious began, When people started getting sick and turning on eachother.

*A little bit of backstory*
You didn't even know much about the flu when you got a call from your father about your mom.

She was really sick and it wasn't looking bright for her. You rushed from your house to the town you grew up in to see her.

That's when you got the first sight of the infection. There were people panicking in the streets and scattering all around as you slowly pulled threw the streets of your childhood home.

Getting out of the car and heading to the front door you see it open. Your father wich was the one who was opening it jestured for you to come quick. Your rushed up to him asking what wrong.

Come on come on get inside he said practical pulling you in the door. What's wrong dad? You said a little worried.
It's nothing just the people are acting a little crazy lately he said looking out the window that faces the front lawn.

Where mom how is she? You said worriedly. She up stairs I'm are bed room he said as the two of you headed for the stairs.

Open the door of the bedroom you could she your mother sleeping. She looked sickly and pale as your father approached.

Dear (y/n) here would you like to talk to her he said in a hushed tone. So opened her eyes slowly looking around almost like she was confused.

Are baby's home she question still looking around. Yes mom I'm right here you said in a hured tone as you walked to her quickly.

She smiled as your grabbed her hand and held it tight. Mom how are you? You said with a worried tone.
I'm fine she said with a loud cough. I'm just a little tired she Said as she laying her head back down falling asleep.

You and your father stepped out of the room and headed downstairs to allow her to sleep.

How long has she been sick you asked. A few days she refuses to go to the doctors though he Said. Why she needs to go she barely has enough strength to hold her head up.

She says she won't go because of them he say as he walks over to the tv and turn the sound up.

Infection rates through the roof doctors say As People turn to mass panic as there friends and neighbors go into a blind rage and attack others. The government say to stay inside and to not let anyone in and to most importantly stay calm as they figure out a way to contain this outbreak.

So people are going ravid you say as you turn to your father. It appears so dear he said turning back to you.

A loud thud came from the upstairs, it sounded as if something heavy had fallen. I'm going to go check on your mother she has a bad habit of trying to get out of bed by herself he says as he rushed up stairs.

You turn back to the screen when you head another loud crash and shuffling. Dad? You yell as you rush up the stairs torwds there room.

You open the door to see your mother and father struggling and your mother tried to bite and claw at your father.

Dad what's wrong? He said in a panicked voice. your mother is very sick now baby please listen there is a gun I'm the drow to your left please grab it. He said rather upset.

Dad your not saying we should you stopped your sentence to upset to finish. Dear I know your upset but there's people don't get anybetter they just get worse in need you to trust me on this he said.

You grabbed the gun and took aim with tears in your eyes you closed them and pulled the trigger.

With a loud ring and a thud to the ground you open them again you father rushed over to you and hugged you.

I'm so proud of you dear he says tighting the hug. And I love you so very much he said taking the gun outbof my hand.

Now why don't you head down stairs and I will be down there shortly he said and he let go of you.

You noticed his arm was bleeding as you turned and head to the door you didn't really get a good look at it before you left.

As you took your first few steps another shot rang out you run back to the room to see your father on the floor next to your mother.

You ran to him and hugged him as you cried. Why why why..... why both of you. You cried holding on to him.

You look back down to his arm to see it was a bite mark on his arm. You left the room and curled up on the couch and cried to yourself.

After everything died down you left your parts house and that how you ended up here.

Looking back on it now you father know something you didn't something you had soon found out.

*End of backstory*

Sitting back up of the couch and stretching out you decided to leave your safe room and look for supplies

Closing the door behind you, your whisper to yourself

Yeah this is a good idea.

Not Quite Gone (L4d hunter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now